Yeah, I'm calling on the BGDF community for a bit of feedback. You guys/gals have had some amazing feedback and GDS entries over the years, and now I'd like to know what you think on one of my own games. This game is done. It's ready to go. It's a free PnP at the moment, with publishing coming next year.
That's where you come in: There's still time to refine the rulebook!
What's this game?
It's a detective game called Dirty Little Secrets. Players are less than noble detectives using the same set of 8 cards as their opponents. You'll try to collect evidence (both as real information and as tokens) and eliminate opponents cards/actions while protecting your own. Combination of tactical play and deduction.
You can get the whole thing here
There's not much. 2 pages that print as 6 sheets of cards. And that assumes you're playing four player (which I recommend for the full experience).
If you're curious, here's a bit more information on this handy marketing flyer (not quite a sell sheet).
I'm looking for feedback using a googleform. That's in the READ ME document in the package, but the link is also here
I'm thankful for any and all feedback from the BGDF community. I love you. Did I say that already? I love you.
Glad you're interested!
I quite like the name, too. Drop me a line when you give it a play or two.