We're in the intermediate stages of the game design process. We've done some play testing and what we know now is that we have a relatively playable game. But there's still a lot to work out. We're not anywhere near having a written rule-set or a polished set of game components.
So what strategy should we use in our playtests at this stage? We're trying to get as many testers and sessions as we can. Should we re-play the same rules several times, even if we see changes we'd like to make? Should we make small tweaks between plays to compare the results? Should we make in-game adjustments to rules that aren't working?
This has been a really helpful thread, with lots of good ideas. I'm going to try writing up a rule-set before the playtest. I've always found that the writing process really organizes and clarifies my thinking. So I can see how this would be a useful step in the design.
Thanks, everyone.