I'm curious how you find playtesters in general.
I cannot find many interested volunteers in my area. Is there a way to playtest by yourself successfully? Is there a way to do it over the internet? I don't know.
My game idea has a visibly rough prototype now and a new name Grim Tales which took me lots of thought to come up with.
Thanks in advance,
I actually got a group at a LAN place I go to regularly play d&d monthly. There's four of us there.
I tried to ask them last week but he worked overtime and had no time to even look at it. We played a few hours.
I said "I'll bring it just in case next month..." after asking dungeon master to see it. He said earlier "If we got the time.".
Usually we got a spare hour or two I'm hoping I can hook up with them I've been regularly playing with them for a year.
Other than that it is most likely a prototype being sent out my best guess. I'm kinda out in the country and I've tried to find people who like Fantasy / Sci-Fi or play games and they're -very- limited in this area (Michigan- Grand Rapids area).
People commonly play magic here. (I don't blame them I use to.) And the place is an old college near a college where I go (Gaming LAN).
I have been working at this idea for several years now. I've tossed away a lot of old prototypes and figure I should move on with it or no go.
Also, if I remember correctly it said "Permanence" for this month in games. My game idea is very similiar I think. Perma-Death, Percentile rolls, new form of hit point system, etc. Plus lots of other goals I aim for.
Not sure if that meets criteria or not? Perhaps I should open a post on prototyping?