I am going to sell some printable terrain that the buyer would print on cardstock and use. What I need is some people who like that sort of thing to get it for free from me, build it, and tell me their thoughts on it. I.E. what would of made it easier to build, does it look good, what other features would they like, how much would they pay for something like this and the like.
The terrain is a river set, and a bridge. It is scaled to fit with most miniature games and uses a 1 inch hexagon system. If you are interested just write below and I will pm you with the link.
Thanks all.
Concerning whether or not I am going to design these terrains to accomodate bigger models, the answer is definetly maybe.
Currently I have terrains with no hexagons, and 1 inch hexagons. I am considering making terrains that are 1.5 inch hexagons as well. I am only family with the most generic of roleplaying/ miniature games, so dont know how big the bigger model market is.