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Need help playtesting... err... playbuilding some printable terrain

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Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008

I am going to sell some printable terrain that the buyer would print on cardstock and use. What I need is some people who like that sort of thing to get it for free from me, build it, and tell me their thoughts on it. I.E. what would of made it easier to build, does it look good, what other features would they like, how much would they pay for something like this and the like.

The terrain is a river set, and a bridge. It is scaled to fit with most miniature games and uses a 1 inch hexagon system. If you are interested just write below and I will pm you with the link.

Thanks all.

Joined: 05/21/2010
New terrain to play with

New terrain to play with :)
Bring the link!

Question: is the terrain scaled to support large pewter models (like a Warjack or similar)?

RogueKoi's picture
Joined: 07/29/2009
mmmmm steam powered goodness

mmmmm steam powered goodness

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
1.5 hexagons

Concerning whether or not I am going to design these terrains to accomodate bigger models, the answer is definetly maybe.

Currently I have terrains with no hexagons, and 1 inch hexagons. I am considering making terrains that are 1.5 inch hexagons as well. I am only family with the most generic of roleplaying/ miniature games, so dont know how big the bigger model market is.

Joined: 05/04/2010
I'll "play build" them for

I'll "play build" them for you. I'm away till Monday so I won't be able to give feedback till then. I'll send you a pm with my email addy.

RacNRoll Gaming
RacNRoll Gaming's picture
Joined: 05/12/2010
Count me in....

....always interested in new paper terrain

Joined: 09/20/2009
Sure, I have interest in

Sure, I have interest in terrain

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Alright, thankyou guys, I got

Alright, thankyou guys, I got enough play builders! Thanks again...

Joined: 05/04/2010
Very nice work mate :) For

Very nice work mate :)

For some reason the bridge was 23Mb to download and maybe would take a while for people with slow connections.
The build was simple enough to put together and fit well and I would use it in quick wargames with the kids etc.
Do you have options for both the hex version and non hex version? If not I would recommend just doing the non-hex version.

EDIT: forgot to say how much I would pay. I would probably pay something like a dollar or 75p per set. But thats just me. I'm tight :P

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Thanks, the file is so big

Thanks, the file is so big because it is HD. Yeah I am cheap as well, but if the set was large enough, say 15 assets then I could charge around $15 :)

RacNRoll Gaming
RacNRoll Gaming's picture
Joined: 05/12/2010
Really nice and simple

First off let me add the disclaimer that when it comes to paper terrain I am a total spaz putting it together. (I normally "get it right" the 3rd time I try to assemble.) These though I got right on the first shot...that must mean the product is great or I just got lucky. I am leaning towards the former instead of the latter. ;-)

My recommendation on these is to make them in different formats (1' squares...hexes etc) If you made them in compatible size hexes to work with the Heroscape system I am sure the community over at would buy a lot of them. :-)

Redcap's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Thanks for your kind words, I

Thanks for your kind words, I do plan on making them different formats in the future, this was soley to see if my designs looked good and were easy to put together.

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