I have been wondering. Is thier a referral program for finding playtesters within the bounds of BGDF? If thier isnt one this seems like an obviouse resource to make available.
If someone wished to playtest a game they could be given a review on what kind of feedback they offered, perhaps haveing someone like the BGDF founder or his current web manager makeing note of your skills as a palytester.
I personally could make use of a group of playtester. I am currently in a transient state moveing from city to city for my wifes job and am unable to gather a good group of folks. Other individuals located in remote areas or unable to find a good game store may be in a similar state. Haveing playtesters that are willing and available, who also have some vote of credibility, would be a boon.
I would be more then happy to not only mail a demo copy of my game to a playtester with good references...but order them pizza anywhere in the US on game night. I simply cant express the value of this kind of resource.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thankyou E
I find it difficult to not rush off and send the game to RPGnow.com or something in a desperate bid to get the game out thier and being played. I admit i certainly wanted to get the game published in paper but getting it playtested could be done on a broader scope useing the print to play model.
I have been combing the forums for users here that seem both intuitive in thier general knowledge as well as in thier own game designs. People I feel I could call piers in my work. To these people it is most likely I will nicely ask if they would like a print and play copy of my game, or perhaps a free demo mailed to them. Trying to get a sense of charecter based on forum posts is challengeing to say the least but better then launching the game as print to play and then seeing what happens :)
I very much appreciate the attention my post recieved. On the points of people not wishing to estrange thier own playtesters or give up time from thier own works to review another, I find this to be just as frustrateing as it is true. You have an excellent point.