I've been doing local play-tests need to begin to put together a PnP for a design, however the format I've been using is MS Excel and does not equal 2.5" x 3.5" for each card.
I am using GIMP 2.8 and am having challenges. I am looking for someone or someones to give me some suggestions on how to move my vision (art/wording/etc) from the rough cards and temp boarders into a workable prototype for PnP and to send out to get reviews from sites once printed.
You're help is greatly appreciated.
Sorry All:
I think I unsubscribed to my own thread some how.
@ JewellGames: Yes I do but it is hand drawn I can have it scanned and loaded into the system and uploaded tonight/tomorrow and send you a link. I also have a MS Excel Template but that was imported from MS Paint and the dimensions are OFF so the right side is not as equal to the left side etc.
I have been working with GIMP 2.8 on a F-around card for a design while art is being one for the games and I can tell you this I am NOT an artist nor patient with the program. For 3 basic cards it took me 19+ hours to get the template and when I try to modify something the color of the text layer is affected.
@ Miika: Thank you for the image, how do I use a "mask" to cut the corners? Again, you're speaking with a guy who is non-photo studio/gimp oriented. :)
@ Jarec: I am not familiar with InDesign but will look it up. I have heard of Publisher but thought that was for Web design.
@ Soulfinger: I am working at 300dpi per what I was told at start, all templates must match art's resolution at the end (minimum of 300dpi). The art is being done at above 300dpi I am assuming that we can scale the art down and from there we can combine with the template for the card.
So far in Gimp 2.8 Challenges:
1- Alignment:
* I am trying to get the cards symmetrics exactly right, while leaving the margins correct. I am using the template from the printer as a layer at 25% transparency to ensure that it's correct. However when I line up the images that I create or "cut and paste" then move into line, there is always a difference in pixels of 3-5 that I can not resolve from one side or another. At 100% or 50% what the card in hand would be you can not tell but at 200% or PNP it may make a difference.
Any suggestions?
2- Color
* When creating a text layer over the card I get the black color on 90-95% of the cards; however on some cards (even without the color of the card displayed as a layer) I get a OFF black, greenish/bluish. I have tried to correct many times without success.
Any suggestions?
3- Scale
* I have tried to apply the GRID to a template I've created but the grid does not align to the template due to the lines I imported being slightly off.
How can I change the Grid Overlay to match the template?
4- Rotation
* On some of the cards that have different fields for text (similar to the graphic that Miika shows) or symbols when I rotate the text or symbol area it will move off of the area it was originally on the card. When I move it back the alignment does not match-up with the other area near it.
Any suggestions on correction for this?
5- Symbols
* I have no clue on how to create in GIMP 2.8, I have been using MS Paint, copying to a new layer in GIMP 2.8 and from there anchoring the image and reinforcing it as it's own layer. It's challenging and time consuming but it works.
Any Suggestions?
6- Custom Lines
* I want to use curves, (similar to Miika's curved box w/ a "Mask to cut the edges") but when I don't know how. I have used a 1100% magnification and actually selected the area and colored in pixel by pixel.
Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated as this way is painfully slow and is not a good angle most times.
7- Text Alignment
* Flipping Text boxes for a game concept has become problematic as the text alignment does not work and I can not edit the text unless I un-flip the box.
Any Suggestions?
Sorry for the laundry list but these are my head banger issues. :)
PS: Yes I have been looking at Youtube video's for the resolutions but I don't know how to phrase them for the search of resolution.