Here's a question that came up recently about the actual physical components of a game.
Up until now Defenders of Wessex has used 3/4" cardboard chits to represent resources. The only issue we ever had was that sometimes the stacks mingle and mess up.
One play tester thought that it would be better to us mini or even micro cards. So the question is, does replacing chits with cards add enough value to justify the increased cost?
I hadn't considered the impact of card art before. That could really add a sweet quality element to the game. Currently we are using chit only because they are cheaper, since even a micro card deck increases the cost of the game by $2, and doesn't make a lot of difference in weight or packaging (since Game Crafter only has set box sizes).
However, as a stretch goal or something on Kickstarter, or even offered as a "deluxe" version, cards really could have a lot of extra value. ThanKS for the thought Soulfinger!