Here is the prototype card layout for "Crystal Heroes".
Obviously I'm not very "excited" by this layout, the LARGE "white" area will contain "artwork" so it will be full-length in terms of artwork size. This I like, since it will allow players to get a good feel for each character depicted.
The active ability (A) will be a transparent layer that will colorize the ability according to the color of the card.
Please tell me what kind of improvements I could do to make this card look better...
Many thanks!
Note: I included the bleed + the cut line so people (myself) will be able to cut the prototype cards without any difficulty (as asked by pelle).
The problem I see is with the TOP RIGHT-HAND-SIDE: I don't like this layout for the attack directives...
If anyone has some inspiration on how it can be displayed OTHERWISE, I'm all ears! :D
Update: Inspiration STRUCK and I got something I think will look pretty good.
I'll post an update tomorrow night... I have to work on the icons for each Race. I have all nine (9) SVGs but need to play around with them in Illustrator... Like I said tomorrow!
Cheers everybody!