Once again I seek the expertise of the people in this forum. What I would like to know and understand is the options of custom moulded dice vs laser engraved. The pros and cons of each and if there is a strandard. Would one be a good kickstarter stretch goal etc..
"custom moulding" vs "laser engraved" dice
Molding will run you approx. $1,000 each for custom six-sided dice.
The good news is once you have the molds made, the dice are pennies.
If you are still designing the dice I would get the prototypes 3D printed until they are where you want them to be then you could look at the molding options.
I would suggest going REAL CHEAP: The Game Crafter ( http://www.thegamecrafter.com ) has universal plastic dice to which you stick on stickers!
Here is the link for the dice (Blue one - only d6s). They cost $0.40 each:
Here is the link for the stickers (120 per sheet). They cost $0.02 each (but remember you must buy a SHEET, so that means 120 stickers). So that costs $2.75 per sheet:
If you have several d6s, then the 120 stickers might be worthwhile. BTW there are NO mold costs involved... This might be a CHEAP alternative for CUSTOM DICE.
What if they want something other than d6. A nice alternative is a site called q-workshop(http://q-workshop.com/). They're pretty cheap as long as you get a minimum of 50. My 50 d20 are costing me about $4.84 each. Best part is it doesn't have to be 50 of the same dice.
Most designers use d6s in games when they go CUSTOM. I have NEVER seen anyone do a custom 1d4 or a custom 1d8, etc. "Pocket Cricket" uses custom d6s, "Rolling Westwards" uses custom d6s, etc. And those are games of DESIGNERS on BGDF.
Well if you are packaging like 3 or 4 dice in one game, that ups the price of your game by about $20! And you're not even talking about the price of the cards, manual and box... So that is still rather PRICEY... But I get that your order is only 50 dice. And that for the FLEXIBILITY the price is pretty reasonable.
And I already know I'm taking a loss on the decks, so its all a matter of what you're working on I guess. I'm working on a tcg that has both decks and booster packs and I'm looking at a cost of $0.31/booster pack including cards and packaging.I can stand to take a loss on the initial starter decks because I will more than likely. make it back on the 7000 or so booster packs I will be able to produce next to the 25 starter decks. I understand with board games its a little harder to do what I'm working on. Doesn't mean you don't give them all the options. In general its entirely up to each Designer what they're willing to do and sacrifice.
So no one has gone the laser route? Do they rub off or anything?
I think they do engraved dice: http://www.customdice.com/pricing.php
In their YouTube video, I can see what seems to be engraved dice (0:15 seconds into the video).
Obviously pricing is the issue... They don't explicitly say how much each custom dice costs.
Not sure if "Custom Dice" does MOULDING (http://www.customdice.com/pricing.php/)
I think they ALSO do just PAINTED onto the DICE. I think this is just like "PRINTING" on plastic.
Take a look at: http://www.customdice.com/images/company_promotions/RR_Limo_Dice-large.jpg
Notice how the LIMOUSINE is NOT ETCHED into the dice... I think this is basically just printing (with color too!) on the dice themselves. This does NOT require a MOULD. It is also probably LESS COSTLY than having a mould made for custom dice...
You might want to check out that option for production quality dice... Cheaper than a mould but nice enough (better than stickers).
I think they ALSO do just PAINTED onto the DICE. I think this is just like "PRINTING" on plastic.
That's why I was curious about laser etching; painted-on symbols rub off.
Well check out this one: http://www.customdice.com/images/events_weddings/50th_Wedding_Anniversar...
or http://www.customdice.com/images/personal_gifts/Named_Dice-large.jpg
or http://www.customdice.com/images/personal_gifts/Celtic_and_Blood_Raven_D...
or http://www.customdice.com/images/company_promotions/Custom_Dice_Single_P...
It seems like the additional writing is actually ETCHED into the dice... But I'm guessing those are probably more costly than the PRINTED ones (in the previous example).
Levi -
Where in the world did you find die molds available for $1000? I've talked to 4 or 5 folks who all steer me towards China or Europe [because nobody does it here in the states], and all those molds go for $6000-$8000 and up. They then control the molds and will only do runs with high minimums. I don't get to keep the molds and then try to figure out where to get the plastic or the machines required to inject it, etc.
I get my dice [I buy blanks in bulk] laser cut by Steve at BLUE PANTHER. In large quantities they are cost prohibitive, but in small amounts [like the 6 dice in my EXPRESS LINE] they work OK. Steve does FREAKING AWESOME work - the railroad logos on EXPRESS LINE are hands down some of the most beautiful dice I've ever seen [wish I could take credit for them].
For prototypes, BLUE PANTHER will treat you like gold and make you look awesome without breaking the bank.
For games where there are large amounts of dice required? I've been investigating, but I can't get any of the people who are doing large dice-only games on KICKSTARTER to talk to me. This is distressing because I have one coming up where I need 106 laser cut dice for a 2 player game [or have molds made], but I have no idea where these guys are getting their product.
If anybody wants to talk - please call me...
Contact Panda manufacturing (China) $1,000 per die mold, but they have minimums that may put you into the $6,000 range you have been quoted.
Is it just me - OR is it not better just to get the dice "PRINTED ON"... Without any etching. I mean if it is a HIGH QUALITY print job, I'm sure the dice will last... For $1,000 dollars for a mould (and $6,000 for minimums - cr@p I can get 500 units of my GAME printed for that price!) it just seems so excessive!
If it was me, I would go with the "printed on" dice (d6 or other). Because I know they can't charge me for any moulds AND I can get it printed in COLOUR.
That is my take on this whole CUSTOM DICE manufacturing:
1-Use stickers and The Game Crafter dice for a prototype (d6s only)
2-Have the final dice "printed on" (and save $7,000). We know that Custom Dice also PRINTS on other types of dice d8, d12, d20, etc. These also could be for a HIGH QUALITY prototype... Just don't know the price for printing on the dice...
BTW with those kinds of prices, someone should really break into the CUSTOM dice making and give GREAT DEALS. Like 50 dice for $75.00 ($1.50 a dice sounds REASONABLE)!
I have a mould for Pocket Cricket (thanks for the plug questccg!) - it cost less than $1000 per dice - polyresin, as opposed to Urea which was about $2300 per mould. The mould is only 5-sides and they laser engrave the last side. We only got it made after licensing with Cricket Australia as we needed significant volume, and this brought the unit price down to something acceptable.
We started with laser engraved dice. Unit price is obviously higher, but there's no need to worry about words/symbols rubbing or scratching off. Personally, I think laser engraved dice present better to the customer.
We are using this same approach now for our Pocket Golf & Pocket Soccer games due out in a couple of months. We've got print runs of 500 sets of both as a market feeler. If we then see there's a good opportunity to forecast enough sales to pay royalties, we'll then get moulds made. We've had a chat with the Australia PGA and they're keen to see a finished product.
So far we've had over 100,000+ dice made at the same factory. They're small and sometimes, slow, but so far the product has been excellent. They do fluctuate their prices from time to time, but overall, I've not found anyone cheaper that does small MOQ.
Hope that helps!
Hope that helps!
How about sharing your source? Are you getting them made in China? It's nice to say you've had made over 100,000 dice... BUT I think most designers in this thread would like to know WHERE and WHO?
And if you could talk about some pricing. When you say it "costs less than $1,000 per dice mould - polyresin", HOW MUCH LESS? $800, $500???
With EXPERIENCE with "Laser engraving", you say the unit price is HIGHER... By how MUCH?
It would probably really help if you shared some of your experience and insight into the business of making CUSTOM DICE since you really do have experience that everyone can appreciate. It's nothing proprietary - like no one is going to knock-off "Pocket Cricket" dice... We have our own designs that could use custom dice.
I'm pretty sure I've posted most of this in the past....and provided a contact to a few peeps that have PM'd me, and I'm happy to do it again.
Yes, they are made in China. I found them on Alibaba. www.longbright.com
They have an extensive range of dice, chips and components. In the beginning I was looking for a factory to do a run of 1000 sets (6 dice in a set). Most factories wanted MOQ of 3000 dice/colour, in some cases more than that. This place actually required a higher MOQ to start.
Through emails back and forth we struck a price of $1.20 per set - laser engraved. I'd decided to go this way as opposed to printing because they'd stand the test of time and beer spillage. They also helped me source the custom cotton bag the dice come in, printed with our logo for .40 each. They also packed each game (dice in the bag).
So all up it was around USD$1600 for a 1000 games. Of course you then add on shipping, customs tax and other incidentals......
We were fortunate enough to sell those 1000 sets in the lead up to Christmas, and reordered 6 weeks later. This time however, we order 2000 sets but there was an issue with availability of acrylic to make the dice due to other orders they were we working on. I've mentioned they are only a small factory so sometimes there may be delays on production....especially around Chinese New Year / October and May - all national holidays when factory workers have a well earned break. We had to use polyresin (laser engraved again) but the price was $1.55 per set - this was possibly some price gouging in the high season but we needed the stock.
A couple of months later we approached the governing body for Cricket in Australia for licensing. We worked a deal to use their logo/IP so know we needed to get a mould - Polyresin mould was the cheapest option $3000 ($500 per dice) - as opposed to Urea $14220. I was even quoted Urea 'long life' mould by another game developer in Australia with a factory in China (Ken Howard) of $20K-$25K !
It was obvious which one to start with and we went with polyresin, even though daily output is slower. To be honest, the quality of the mould dice compared to laser engraved can't be told apart. So you can be comfortable with 'polyresin' as an option.
This then brought the price down per set to around half of what we were paying before. It's certainly not 'pennies' but we were ordering 10,000 sets so the savings more than the mould cost.
Back to the screen printing option - in most cases they may have a lower price per set, but they charge a set up fee for the colour plate....There's no plate fee for engraving.
We are having Pocket Golf http://boardgamegeek.com/article/13195507#13195507 made laser engraved at aroun $1.20 per set. The screen printing would have been about .60 per set but a plate fee of $394 - so, again, I'd rather pay a little extra for good engraved dice.
Of course all of the above comes down to your MOQ - as we've ordered a bunch of dice in the past, getting a small run of 500 sets now is doable as we've established a business relationship. Sometimes they want extra charges for colour dye, or the laser engraving factory says they are not making any money or they are out of certain stock...this is all part of dealing directly with a Chinese factory and is to be expected at some stage. I lived and worked in China for 9 years so being able to chat in Chinese is helpful too!
I hope this answered some of your questions! Please keep an eye out for our next two games - Pocket Golf & Pocket Soccer!
These dice in our second game were laser engraved - www.pocketfooty.com.au
For around 1000 you can get a usb connected mini laser cutter/engraver. You could enngrave dice and cut chipboard if you needed to. Obviously you have the overhead of learning and it would become time intensive for a big run. Example:

So it seems that if the quantity is large enough, custom moulded is the way to go?
Indented dice with stickers is a good prototype, but I dont think that would be the way to go for production, cheap, but also cheap.