So here I am again, back for more BGDF. Whew, some times life just pops up and screams for attention, and you end up getting busy and things fall by the wayside. At least this time life didn't sucker punch me.
I wanted to share something cool, since a bunch of forum members have been along for the ride as I designed this game of mine. I recently concluded playtesting on Defenders of Wessex, and as far as i am concerned, the game is complete, balanced, and ready for the market. Of course, what I don't have is a ton of finished artwork.
But that's ok! I've taken the plunge, building what I can for Defenders of Wessex with the amazing artwork I do have and a few public domain images. Oh, and about 4 months of GIMP.
After all that, with the testing and the editing, I finally took the plunge and ordered a printed version from Game Crafter. No more demos on hand made boards. Now there is going to be nice components, eye catching artwork, and a somewhat polished looking game. It arrives in my hands next week, with plenty of time to spare before it gets demoed at Fallcon!
Tim, the plan is to do an unboxing video when it arrives. If that doesn't turn out (since my skills as a videographer are borderline pathetic) then there will be tons of pictures to show components, etc. I also hope to get a sample game play video together too.
Elkobold, just as soon as I finish editing the rules to their final form I will upload the pdf here.