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Multiple card design ideas..... how to choose the best?

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markgrafn's picture
Joined: 03/01/2015

Hello again all!

I had a terrific TableTop Day, I hope you all did as well.

I spent a lot of the day testing my prototypes as well as introducing a few people to the board game community.

One of the prototypes I tested had an overwhelming and positive reaction to everyone who played and I have the great pleasure to hone that game into something amazing that others can enjoy as well. But first, I need to tackle the art direction. It is a simple enough game but the cards can handle a variety of similar yet different appearances and I'm not sure the best way to go about deciding which design to choose for the final in the spirit of the game design showdown, I though a survey would be best the way. I invite all to partake in a simple survey and hopefully I can make a meaningful decision based on critical discussion.

Please take a look at the attached and let me know which card design looks the best. Please bear in mind that this is a poker based game and I would like players to use these cards in classic poker games as well.

I am open to all and any suggestions.

Thanks you all.

Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015
None of them? The yellowish

None of them? The yellowish stain looks like urine, and I've peed on plenty of playing cards to know. The dirty effect just doesn't look quite right, particularly with the faux hole. The card suit looks slapped on with the PS effects looking a little too overstated. You need a better, larger font choice for the number. There are just so many great playing card designs these days that you really need to go the extra mile to design something competitive.

Tbone's picture
Joined: 02/18/2013

To me, SoulFinger, it seems more of a question of where should the abilities go around the card. I do agree, the color is not my favorite.

For ability placement I like either the upper or middle.

-Eberhardt-'s picture
Joined: 01/30/2015
Text Placement

I am a fan of the bottom as we as game players are use to this and also the dual look. IMO

Also, the color can be modified easily, I enjoyed the overall graphic and think that if you alter the hole mark area it may make the game a bit more visually stimulating. :)

Good luck with everything. :)

Joined: 04/12/2015
i would say

the bottom left, but what is the theme - wild west?

markgrafn's picture
Joined: 03/01/2015

MattPlays wrote:
the bottom left, but what is the theme - wild west?


Tbone wrote:
it seems more of a question of where should the abilities go around the card.

This is the intention of this survey; to determine the best layout of the provided or discover a new direction entirely. Though, any criticism is welcome.

Soulfinger wrote:
None of them? The yellowish stain looks like urine, and I've peed on plenty of playing cards to know. The dirty effect just doesn't look quite right, particularly with the faux hole. The card suit looks slapped on with the PS effects looking a little too overstated. You need a better, larger font choice for the number. There are just so many great playing card designs these days that you really need to go the extra mile to design something competitive.

This actually reaffirms a lot of concerns with the card art that the play testers pointed out. I've a list of things to fix in regards to the overall look of the card and you managed hit a few that weren't on the list.

It looks like from the opinions of the posters that the "text box" isn't a good fit for this design.

Thanks for all the input.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

I would not use a mix of standard cards with a text effect. At least not in this manner. What I would do is SHORTEN the size of the card such that there would be two (2) areas:

  • At the top would be the card and its suit.
  • At the bottom would be room for a textbox containing an effect.

Using this type of layout will ensure nothing is MIXED up or hard to read or confusing... If you need an example of what I am talking about send me a PM and I will spend 30 minutes to draw up a sample layout (as I am indicating).

Update: More on this concept, you can use Wild West suits instead of the standard set like: Gold Nugget, Ca$h, Guns, Lassos, Sheriff's badge (Star), etc. And then using the TEXTBOX for the effect in the bottom area and play with the suits in the top area. Probably the text effect is probably only useful for the owner of the card... This is one of my assumptions...

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