Well to be quick and brief since not all wish to read a wall of text, I am currently making a physical board game ( that I also hope to easily make digital if anyone has any hints on software for that ).
Most of the rules are done and have both gone through rules, board layout and also playtested a few times, so for now I hope to get the same help from anyone here, especially if anyone would be interested to get paid a small amount to make some simple artwork for the board to make it easier to playtest and get a real feel for it, from layout to the figures aswell.
In short, my game is called "Prisoners ", where the game board is a prison area with a jail garden at the top, offices for medical/laywer/guards right below, prison corridors formed like a square downward, bottom having the execution room, and in middle is the prison cells.
Goal is to escape the prison by sneaking out of ones cell upon dice throws, moving only forawd towards the offices, and reach a Lawyer. Upon a 6 on two dice rolls, Prisoner gets a Star Rating, needing 3 to get out.
Only one Lawyer Throw per turn, the Prisoner must then make way to return to his cell until following turn, but all this at the smae time of avoiding the prison guard(s) that patrol the corridor, upon capture confiscating any carried items and making way back to the Prisoners Cell
This gives chance for other prisoner players to move forward, also visiting the garden where they can find items, trade and attack each other. Upon injury, Prisoner can visit Medic Office for chance of treatment. Total of 3 Health, once gone the Prisoner dies.
So let me know so far of the idea and if interested to playtest, I can send copy of current full game rules and board layout/game figures ). If interested to contribute with some simple artwork, let me know :)
Hope to hear from anyone, thank you in advance for your help :)
Exactly, its played as a classic " roll dice, move character forward " game. There are actually guard figures walking around in the corridor/game space, starting from their guard posts at the top of board.
Depending on how many prisoners, the guards increase in numbers, so if a prisoner gets a dice throw that makes him run into a guard, the prisoner gets caught and will be taken back to cell after guard makes his round.
Once returned a Prisoner, the guard contiunes forward, and can carry a total of two prisoners but due to game balance and capture rate, its likely that will change to just one.
For instance, what I done with four players was to roll dice for guard after each turn, and the cells are constructed so that say a cell closer to the offices surely increases the chance to get there faster.
But if caught by the guard, since he must make his round, adds the drawback of having to come along until delivered back to cell.
Picture an analog clock, each number is a cell where 12 is guard post where guard starts, if prisoner 1 gets caught and closest cell is 2 ( cant go backwards ) , Prisoner 1 has to wait until they return back to 1
At the moment only a rough layout of the game board prototype but Im sure I can fix up something easily :)
And thank you very much :)