Hi, thoughts please:
I'm working on a deck drafting Zoo Building game, where players will try and entice visitors to their zoo through marketing campaigns, which in turn will generate revenue allowing them to build a bigger nicer zoo with cooler, more exciting, rarer animals. At the end of a set period of turns, the player with the highest rated Zoo wins.
The game is very much in the conception stages and i'm starting to develop the PR decks - low/medium/high since this cards give you access to the visitor deck.
My problem comes when a card will allow a player to increase his/her visitor draft but also affect their opponent/s. Could I use icons for this? Would it be the same icon just in a different colour, or should I use a different icon all together?
My main reason for wanting this is so that higher rated cards, which have multiple effects can be more easily summarised with a few icons (and so the Word template i'm using to design these for easy printing and play testing can be completed standardised.)
Thank you all. Any thoughts on this concept/design and mechanics are welcome :)
I'm such an idiot! Of course. I;ll probably go with a symbol enclosed within an circle or "O" for opponents as the blast marker would suggest an attack, some of the systems I have in mind will also be a slight positive effect for the player's opponent.
I will, and thank you for all your input