I have a children's dexterity game where players simultaneously drop glass beads (raindrops) onto their seed/flower cards in play to score points. The blue beads are a nice touch and the game works great on the carpet.
My response when submitting to a few publishers was the cost and weight (to ship) of the glass beads was higher than desired since the other components are cards and that they could be a choking hazard. Additionally, they can potentially damage table surfaces and are a nightmare to contain when they fly off small tables (which is all the time).
I am trying to find a component that delivers the same feel of "raindrops" falling from clouds (your hands). I thought about circular cardboard discs or just a card with a raindrop printed on them but those definitely don't look or feel as elegant as a bead.
Any suggestions? Thank you guys!
I had thought of poms poms but couldn't recall the name. That definitely feels the closest so far.