I just got a new PC and not the most computer savy but can teach myself most things easily with tutorials and playing with programs. I have two main questions.
1) What are great free prototyping programs do people use instead of Adobe (which I can't afford)? Friends of mind suggested GIMP and Inkscape (which he suggested was better).
2) After answering question one, what does anyone know of any places where I can find or buy cheap templates for cards, etc... Last time I made cards I used a busness card template from Avery company by importing it into Word. There has to be an easier and smoother way to do this. Keep in mind I would love to be able to data merge.
I haven't been on here in awhile so if this has been talked about at length in another topic please point me in that direction. All help is great and much appreciated.
If anyone wants to tweet at me I can be found at @wills_trevor where I also asked this question.
I've done the card backing before. I wanted to know if anyone knew of any templates that I might use to allow for easy data merging. Daniel Solis teaches this but all his techniques you can only do it on Adobe. My wife figured out how to do it on Avery template for business cards but it was clunky and I feel took way longer then it should and trying to make my life as easy as possible. Time is precious. Thanks for the help.
I did see The Game Crafter had some templates for various cards which would be great so that if I ever wanted to use their services it's already set up. I'm going to listen to a Episode of a podcast they recommend to see what else they say about this.
Basically I want an easy way to merge data from an excel spreak sheet into templates I've made. Or if anyone has any or know of any tutuorial sites on how to make templates.