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Spectrum Force Prototype.

4 replies [Last post]
Adam Leamey
Joined: 02/23/2017

As I have mentioned I am creating a power rangers inspired board game as I need opinions and feedback on my the prototype i am building I wanted to create this post as a journal and slowly update it when i complete another part of my game.

To start with I will be previewing Spectrum Red the leader of the spectrum force I have posted all his cards and reference cards for people to look at.
If anyone has any comments or opinions feel free to share I am happy to get some constructive criticism.

The following link has all the cards.

Adam Leamey
Joined: 02/23/2017
Link has been updated to

Link has been updated to include both the red and black cards.

Rick L
Rick L's picture
Joined: 08/22/2016
Looks good Adam, one question

Looks good Adam, one question is rule - related on how you accumulate action points (lightning symbols) for the costs of some cards. Also, some cards have a Chinese character instead of an action cost - what does that stand for, and does the "Mill" discarding act as an alternative to action point cost?

From what you've told me about it, it sounds like a very cool cooperative game, even though I'm not very familiar with the power rangers theme. I haven't played many co-op games - other than RPGs, probably the only recent co-op game is Elder Sign. In that one, the only real cooperation is just in points - players can occasionally heal each other, but basically everyone's points are combined to win the game.

Yours sounds much more cooperative with players contributing to the types of actions that other players can do, playing off of each other's strengths, etc, which not only makes for an awesome co-op feel as a mechanic, but fits the theme perfectly!

Adam Leamey
Joined: 02/23/2017
Players gain 5 actions/energy

Players gain 5 actions/energy every turn to split between their cards/basic actions this limited action pool is to balance the game and create decision points of what cards players want to use during a turn.

The mill cost is an alternative cost to activating abilities, some abilities are free as they are small and minor while the more powerful ones cost something to use. As a for instance a lot of blacks bonus powers require discarding cards to activate.

The cards with the chinese symbols are the weapon and character cards these cards are always in play. The character card allows you to use a special character trait every turn and the weapon card allows you to have an attack that does not cost you any actions though you can only use it once a turn.

The symbols are more thematic and for a bit of symmetry so i didn't have to have a blank space on the card. As for what they mean they relate to what I intend the robots to look like in the future.

As i cant afford an artist i just have a colour swapped image for now but i intend to have the robots look like animals and the symbol on the character/weapon card matches the afore mentioned animal.

I hope this has answered your questions.

I will also note certain cards allow players to gain/lose actions.

Adam Leamey
Joined: 02/23/2017
Link has now been updated to

Link has now been updated to include a pdf file that contains all the cards for red, black, blue and yellow. The game board and reference cards.

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