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Swappable Head Figures

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RogueLieutenant's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013

Hello everyone, I'm working on a prototype of my game where the players are switching their "heads" around.

Right now I'm using large corks with smaller corks stuck in the top, but am looking for a more elegant solution.

Lego people aren't monochromatic enough to work visually.

I found these: but the shipping is pretty steep.

Does anyone have any suggestions for prototyping these pawns? I just need player figures whose heads can be swapped out.

I also don't own a drill or anything like that.

radioactivemouse's picture
Joined: 07/08/2013
RogueLieutenant wrote:Hello

RogueLieutenant wrote:
Hello everyone, I'm working on a prototype of my game where the players are switching their "heads" around.

Right now I'm using large corks with smaller corks stuck in the top, but am looking for a more elegant solution.

Lego people aren't monochromatic enough to work visually.

I found these: but the shipping is pretty steep.

Does anyone have any suggestions for prototyping these pawns? I just need player figures whose heads can be swapped out.

I also don't own a drill or anything like that.

Prototype? Just use cardboard. Easy, fast, and you don't have to stick to the idea, you're just trying to test basic gameplay.

RogueLieutenant's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013

I'm using corks right now. just wanting something a little less clumsy.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I have an idea for you

RogueLieutenant wrote:
I'm using corks right now. just wanting something a little less clumsy.

I have a solution for you. Visit The Game Crafter (TGC) and...

It may not be the "HEAD" but it's a way of swapping colors and preserving your colored piece (Joystick)...

RogueLieutenant's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013
good option. :) thanks. I'll

good option. :) thanks. I'll look into that if I can't come up with something else. :)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Just an alternative...

questccg wrote:
I have a solution for you. Visit The Game Crafter (TGC) and...

It may not be the "HEAD" but it's a way of swapping colors and preserving your colored piece (Joystick)...

It also costs a WHOLE $0.18 for this combination. Again good for prototyping, if you need a "head" because of theme, well then you can look into custom pieces when the time comes...

Evil ColSanders
Evil ColSanders's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
I would just print out cards

I would just print out cards with a base on 1 and a head on the other. Just for playtesting-sake.

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