I'm working on a game that is a Old-Timey-Fisticuffs Boxing meets Steampunk meets Street Fighter kind of theme where you have fighters and spend XP to buy abilities and then take resources from a shared pool to set up "moves"/attacks and defenses and other special abilities.
Here is my artist's website for an art style reference (http://www.dcantonart.com/gallery.html)
I know this is tiny, but here is the art for one of the fighters https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/1118780_1645909757...
I;m having a hard time coming up with a name for the game.
My preferred name thusfar is Good Olde Fashion Fisticuffs, but pretty much all my playtesters and my artist hated it.
Other Ideas have included:
Good Olde Fisticuffs
Ultimate Showdown
Anyone got anything better?
Reminds me of this:
Thanks, Darrenn has a cool style and it fits the game perfectly. That image you linked to fits the flavor I want to capture precisely.
Keep the name suggestions coming! Thanks guys!