So, I'm on the 4th or 5th incarnation of card design. I'm quite happy with it, which means that it's now ready for roasting by real people. So I'm asking for feedback / roasting / insults, whatever :)
Note that, these cards will mostly start and stay up faceup on the table, visible to, and available for inspection by all players at any time. They don't need to be held in hand or "fanned" so I don't need stuff in the top left corner.
Thoughts? Don't hold back - I prefer honest feedback.
Hi, thanks for your feedback!
Yeah, I was being deliberately vague. I guess I'm going for an immediate "gut-feel" - like looking at the card, how do you feel when you see them? Do they look "good" or "average" or "amateurish" - are you struggling to read them, does it scream "work-in-progress" or does it feel "finished".
I've gone through multiple revisions of the style and design and I quite like this one. But I want to see if anyone was vastly opposed to it - Am I missing something? I know full-well that getting too close to something can cause you to miss obvious problems.
Yeah, for this style, I think you are right and I need to remove the bloodstain. I'm telling myself, it's there because you can put "blood tokens" on them, but in reality, it's just there cause they are vampires and "creepy". It's cute, but this style is all minimalist....
You're absolutely right. In my game, Humans are a resource, and whilst they don't directly do anything, the "Properties" of a human are interesting to different factions. Dracula, specifically, is interested in "Fascinating" people - those he deems are worthy of transforming into Vampires, whereas Moriarty is interested in "Criminally capable" people as he wants to hire them for his crime empire. The Martians are interested in those people who are "diseased" or "traitorous" - diseased people giving them an additional disease and "traitorous" can be discarded to draw 2 more humans instead (for eating).
Every card except the Human Wilhemina Murray card are "reference" cards. They are placed near the board for everyone to see, with the idea that should anyone encounter a token/meeple on the board, they can look at the associated reference card for that token/meeple to see what it does, if they have forgotten, rather than have to read the manual.
Well, the problem is that these Flood tokens affect the general game board so all players are affected by them. Putting the rules on a player's board mean it's more difficult for other players to see the rules without getting up etc.