I was thinking that on the back of the super's cards, i would put a little flavor text introducing them like in the old Batman TV show. Would this run the suspense of the draw?
What do you think?
superhero game- flavor text - input please
Flavor text is a great idea, but isn't worth the loss of secrecy in the draw.
I'd recommend putting the text in an appendix of the rules.
What kind or type of flavor text are you going for? Like the one word expressions POW! BOOM! ZING! POP! BANG! or other flavor text like, "I'll get you no matter where you hide!"
Yes this would be an disadvantage. Maybe under the art work.
Your welcome.
Your welcome.
The Pow!, Boom!, etc. would work well on the back of the cards, provided that you incorporated all of them onto the back of each of the cards in question. It would probably look better than having a blank back. Of course, other things might work equally well, to add flavor to the game, in that same space.
Putting the background stories of the various characters on the back of the cards will enable players to memorize which card does what.
You could incorporate a background deck, one which, even if memorized, could only enable or empower a player to do a given thing, once they obtain the card. Whether this would add to game value, or simply detract from the overall work, is something that you would have to consider. It would,a t a minimum, add to the cost of producing the game.
Wanting to enhance the flavor of the game using flavor text leads me to believe that you are on the right track. A superhero game should ooze flavor, if possible.
So is there a backstory to the game or just a basic card game of super heroes living their lives in an ordinary city and on a normal earth like world?
I like this concept. Keep it up.
That's what I was thinking. But I thought that since the supers cannot even be pulled into a players hand till they're already visible to everyone, this might be a forgivable thing. But you're right, this would give a serious disadvantage to whomever knows the game better.
I was thinking of like, Hero's background story.
Like let's say Dr Facemelter's card (since i've been using him to demonstrate everything)
It could be like:
The good doctor Gerard Face was a leading voice in the pacifist movement till, one day while out in a picnic, he got too much citric acid from his Orange on his face, disfiguring him forever. Now he will forever me known as...
then turn it over
Dr Facemelter
Melter of Faces!