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Epic Metal Monster Coins - Coming soon to Kickstarter - Need your feedback!

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The Game Crafter
The Game Crafter's picture
Joined: 06/09/2009

The Game Crafter will soon be running its first kickstarter in a decade. This time we plan to add metal Monster Coins to our library. If successful, we plan to run more campaigns and deliver more things the community has been wanting. The page is not fully fleshed out yet, but we'd love your feedback so far.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'll be the first one to say this...

The problem with MOST "Coins" is that the METALS "smell". Zinc Alloy on itself is usually an Odorless metal. What you need to watch out for is that the option being used is "lead-free" and "nickel-free" as the available options...

The problem with Nickel is that people can react to it and Lead is poisonous and toxic.

So if "The Game Crafter" (TGC) offers coins which are 100% Zinc that is great since they DON'T smell (like most cheaper metals do) and they are void of toxins and allergens.

I would (if TRUE) say that the coins are made of Zinc and non toxic metals that form the Zinc alloy... Making them exceptional quality, odorless and non toxic.

That's something that should be on the KS Page... I would state it plainly because it shows how superior quality and design effort put into the making of these Coins!

Cheers @Tavis.

Note #1: I've purchase coins from Legendary Coins and most if not all coins smell of metal and leave your hands smelling "terrible" when you manipulate their coins. I'm sticking away from their future coin KSs because of this fact.

Oddly enough I have a 1st Player Token need and I would love to buy me some Dragon Coins... ATM I have only a need for 3 of them ... But down-the-road maybe more as 1st Player Tokens... Also may add the Cthulhu Coins or the Demon Coins (something Silver) instead of money for Pokemon Decks...

More thematic... I think the Demon Coins will be easier to toss/flip... I'll also check-out what EXTRAS you get as Stretch-Goals (meaning unlocking other coins and so forth to purchase/add to your "base" order)...

Note #2: Also if your coins DON'T "smell" I would add this fact as a Marketing Point. You could use this as a selling point stating that your "premium" coins are "odorless" and don't spread any metallic scents when handling them... Be it as a token or coin-flip, etc. Using these coins does NOT expose the players to unpleasant scents which are mostly ignored by most Coin Making Companies...

Something to that effect.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
FYI ... Just some additional information

And when you touch brass and then rub your hands together, you'll notice a metallic smell that is caused when the metal interacts with your perspiration. The active elements in brass—copper and zinc—contribute to the taste and smell. That explains why brass jewelry is not popular – it leaves an aroma on your skin.

I would stick away from "brass" which is a Zinc-Copper Alloy. You can Google for more information and find what is the best alloy when using Zinc.

I know this is for Jewelry as the application but the same can be said with coins. You don't want your hands to smell all metallic when you handle the coins...

I'm not an expert. I just KNOW that from other KSs I've bought metallic coins and most of them "smell bad" and leave an odor on your hands after handling the coins. I am (personally) sticking away from their other KSes because of that fact.

Now people will say that most Metals are "odorless" it's a question of your skin and oils interacting with the Metal that make the "odor". But yet we have MONEY (coins nickels, dimes, quarters, etc.) that are mostly "odorless". So I would look to metals which are LESS "reactive" to the skin and touch... And if Zinc is one of those options then that could be a GOOD avenue to choose.

Like I said I'm not a Metallurgist, I just know from my OWN experience dealing with Metallic Coins. Doing some more research will help you figure out what kind of Zinc Alloy is best ... Zinc and Copper (Brass) is NOT recommended...

Maybe 100% Zinc could be a viable alternative ... I would look into that too!

I just want your products to be top quality and pleasant to use with minimal drawbacks. All the best of success with your KS and the coins you plan to produce... I'll definitely look into it (the KS) when it goes Live!


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