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Game Haven - New Board Game Store in Waunakee, Wisconsin

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The Game Crafter
The Game Crafter's picture
Joined: 06/09/2009

The Game Crafter is based in Madison, WI and so we were excited to hear that a new board game store called Game Haven was opening by us.

We like to support local business and we LOVE friendly local game stores. So we wanted to help them get the word out and share their grand opening celebration is on Saturday, September 7th @ 10am!

There will be a feast, prizes, and special guests from Thunderworks Games, Nauvoo Games, and Wize Wizard Games. (Wonderful publishers that also use The Game Crafter!)

Check out their website:

Follow them on Facebook:

Welcome to the Madison gaming community!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
That's very nice... I think in my neck of the woods...

It's the OPPOSITE! I just checked and one of the stores I was planning to SELL games at ... Closed Permanently! :-( The Abyss was a store right near the subway system... And was easy to get to... But I guess not enough customers. It's a VERY HARD business selling games (and making games). Nowadays there is SO MUCH competition, you either need a model that has been PROVEN or you have a trust-fund that allows you to own a store by covering rent fees.

That's probably the single-most costly expense (the rent).

Anyways congratulations to the NEW FLGS in your area... Great to see that people are still TRYING to "make it" in this business we know as "TableTop Gaming"!

Wishing them all the best of success!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Also ...

I just found out last night that ANOTHER Game Store moved from Downtown to a new location elsewhere in the city. Of course they were smart and moved to a location which is near the subway (1-Block away) and so they were downtown for thirteen (13) Years and this is the next chapter in their business.

At least they did not close. Another store owner tried with an older bowling alley and they did not last much ... Maybe a six (6) months and when I returned, they had closed too!

In the West Island, a shop was sold and it also lasted like 3-Years and it too closed down ... Probably because of a lack of customers for sure!

So it's a very tough business to venture into and all the costs associated with the proper running of the store. Anyhow, I am at least happy that ONE (1) of those stores SURVIVES and continues to flourish.

Cheers all...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
And if you are keeping score that means...

Four (4) FLGS in-and-around Montreal have closed and one (1) moved to a better location which shows you that there is a 20% survival rate of these kinds of business. I definitely want to help them and having good products that sell can definitely be cool.

In the past, I realized that their focus was on LARGE-BOXED Games... You know the Ticket-To-Ride, the Pandemic, the Smallworld, etc. Games sold in large boxes... They had very little in compact games that fit and work in say just a Tuck Box with a specific amount of cards.

I'm willing to bet with the new location, this will mean a place for more compact games that you can take on the road without worrying that your collection is going to get ruined. If you spend $29 Bucks it's not the end of the world and it is far less expensive than paying $45 to $60 Bucks for the larger games.

Anyways we'll have to wait and see... TBD!

P.S.: I forgot to mention that another FLGS store closed in the Fairview Mall (which is a prime location in the West Island). So that's the 4th store that I know has permanently closed!

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