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"The Power Broker" - A Game Design Challenge

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 04/23/2016


One of the members of this forum got in touch and suggested that this game design contest might be of interest:

We're asking tabletop and video game designers to try to adapt Robert Caro's monumental biography "The Power Broker" into game form. Registration closes on Friday (4/29), with cash prizes and a trophy available.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Joined: 01/30/2012
Deadline for the game isn't 29 April

I've never read the book, but it has been moved to the top of my list. I've always been interested in a satisfying tabletop analog to SimCity 2000.

Anyway, I wanted to say that the deadline for game submission itself isn't this Friday, but rather 29 July (according to the OP's link). So, you have about 3 months to work on this. I was initially turned off by what initially appeared to be a very quick deadline.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Registration is by Friday 29 April

No I think it was clear that IF you want to participate in this contest, you have until Friday 29 April to submit your candidature.

After that you have 3 months to develop a design and have it ready to be judged.

Joined: 04/23/2016

That's correct - we're just getting all the design teams logged by this Friday, but you'll have three months to actually put the game together.


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