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Feedback Request [GDS] Feb 2011 Entry 22 "Shooting Gallery"

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loonoly's picture
Joined: 02/12/2011

This was my first entry on BGDF as I've only been a member for a few weeks now.

I realize the theme is somewhat weak. Rather than retheme the game, though, I had an idea to incorporate the mechanic in a different game altogether. I'm mainly interested in feedback on the following:

  1. What do you think of the mechanics? What works and what doesn't?
  2. How are the rules themselves (clear and understandable)?
  3. Are there any die manipulations that should be added to the mechanic?

Here's my entry again to refresh your memory:

Shooting Gallery

by loonoly
2-4 players 10+ minutes

Pop. Pop. Ding! Another target goes down.
"We have a winner!" Barks the carnival man.


Welcome to Shooting Gallery. Players are shooters at a carnival shooting gallery competing to to be the first to knock down a certain number of targets to win the prize. The game is played over several rounds with players using their dice to aim and shoot at targets. The shooters can use powers from targets they have already hit to get a better shot at the targets to knock them down and claim them.


24 dice (4 colors / 6 dice per color)
17 cards
- 1 First Shooter card
- 16 Target cards
alt Cards1
alt Cards2
24 dice (4 colors / 6 dice per color)


Each player takes one set of dice of any one color.

The target cards are shuffled and laid out face up in a 4x4 grid.

Randomly select a single player to be the first shooter before the first round.

Game Play

Shooting Gallery is played in rounds. During each round players will perform the following steps:
1. Roll Dice
2. Determine First Shooter
3. Aim and Shoot

1. Roll Dice

Simultaneously, all players will roll 3 of their colored dice. If a player doesn't have 3 dice available, they must retrieve one or more of their dice from the cards on the table until they have 3 to roll. The dice rolled are then left on the table for all to see.

2. Determine First Shooter

The player with the lowest total value of dice will become the first shooter and claims the first shooter card. In case of a tie, the person closest to the first shooter in clockwise order will become the first shooter.

3. Aim and Shoot

Starting with the First Shooter and proceeding clockwise, each player will attempt to hit a target. This is done by taking 2 of the dice and designating them as the coordinates of the shot and placing the third die as the value of the hit on the appropriate card in the grid of cards.

The coordinate of a hit is designated as x,y with the lower left card as coordinate 1,1 and the upper right card as 4,4.

To place a hit you must observe the following rules.
- You may activate any powers of cards that currently have one of your dice on it. Each card may only be used once.
- To replace a die on a card, you must exceed the value of the die currently on it if there is one. The replaced die is returned to it's owner.
- If you place a 6 on a card, you claim it and remove it from the grid of cards leaving an empty hole. It's power is no longer available and any shots that would normally have hit are now misses.

If you cannot place a die, you miss and pass your turn


If a shooter has claimed enough targets to claim victory, the game ends. Otherwise, play another round starting at step 1 again.

End Game

The game ends when one player accumulates enough cards for victory. That player is declared as the winner. In the case of a tie, the player closest to the First Shooter in clockwise order is the winner.

The number of Target cards required to claim victory is based on the number of players:
2 players: 7 cards
3 players: 6 cards
4 players: 5 cards

Specific Rules about Target Powers

The following rules apply to the powers of the Target cards:
- +/-x: All +/- values adjust the die by exactly the amount indicated. Values of the adjustments are applied by turning the die to the appropriate facing so the value may not go below 1 or exceed 6. If they cannot be adjusted by the exact amount no adjustment is made.
- Flip: The die is flipped to the exact opposite face that is currently showing. 1 becomes 6, 2 becomes 5, 3 becomes 4, etc...
- Turn: A die is turned to a facing adjacent to the one currently showing. For instance, 1 can become: 2, 3, 4, or 5.
- +1 Die to roll: Pick up a die not included in your initial roll and roll it. If necessary retrieve a die from one of the target cards to do so. Despite having extra dice, you will only make one hit.
- Swap: You may trade any die you have rolled with any one of your own dice on a Target card.
- Replace: You may replace a die on a target card even if it's value is higher than your own die.
- Reroll: Reroll one of your rolled dice.

drktron's picture
Joined: 07/18/2010
I like the aiming mechanic

I like the aiming mechanic using coordinates and the third dice to claim the card. Your rules are pretty clear. I think the problem with it is the targets. There are too many and its not clear if one is any more valuable than the next. Since I don't know what my next roll will be I don't know if having a +/-1 or a +/- 2 is better. Either is good to have but the choice between them is meaningless.

Maybe the targets should have point values, some with high points and weak or no function, others with no or low values and better functions and some inbetween.
Hope this helps.

loonoly's picture
Joined: 02/12/2011
Apt suggestions

Ah, yes. I can see how not knowing the results of your next roll makes picking your current result difficult. A difference in values of cards would nicely solve the problem.

On a different note, I envision using this mechanic in a different game. In this other game, the "aiming mechanic" will be used in choosing a spot on a board for worker placement. Each space will either allow you to perform an action or collect a resource. I've only just got the concept in my head at this stage, so I'm afraid I can't really give any more details.

I'm glad that my rules seem clear. I've written rules for other games of mine (All unpublished), but never had them critiqued before. So any additional tips would be great as well.

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