We have a winner!
Courier Now
by A Round Tuit
Only a few entries this round. Summer is getting the better of us! Timers are difficult to use creatively, so let's see what everyone came up with, shall we? Find the critiques thread here.
Entries are in!
Four entries this month using a timing mechanism somehow. We'll do the normal voting procedure as outlined below!
Voting: Through the 16th. Votes will be through a form LINKED HERE
Voting Format: Each person has 3 Medals (Gold, Silver, and Bronze - with values 3, 2, and 1 vote respectively) to distribute any way they choose among the GDS entries with the following restrictions:
Entrants may not assign any Medals to their own entry!
Entrants must assign all 3 Medals.
An entrant who does not assign all 3 Medals will receive a Pyrite Medal (-3 votes) as a penalty.
Plenty of games use timers to signal the end of a round, an action, or the game. Often in co-op games to pressure the team into making mistakes!
But how else can you use them? Can you find a more creative way to use it than just determining the length of a game unit?
On to the details!
Component restriction: Your game needs to incorporate a timer as a major part of the game.
Mechanic restriction: Timer!
Theme restriction: None, focus your attention on using a timer in a cool way!
Word Limit: Standard 500 word limit. Remember this is a pitch, so focus your thoughts on the task and a summary more than explaining every detail
Voting: Award a Gold, Silver, and Bronze (worth 3,2, and 1 points respectively) Medals to your three favorite entries. Any entrant that does not award all three Medals will receive a Pyrite Medal (that's "Fool's Gold") worth -3 votes!
When submitting your entry: PLEASE USE THE FORM LINKED HERE.
Submissions: the 2nd through the 9th
Voting: Through the 16th. Votes will be through a form (link posted after submission period is ended).
Voting Format: Each person has 3 Medals (Gold, Silver, and Bronze - with values 3, 2, and 1 vote respectively) to distribute any way they choose among the GDS entries with the following restrictions:
Entrants may not assign any Medals to their own entry!
Entrants must assign all 3 Medals.
An entrant who does not assign all 3 Medals will receive a Pyrite Medal (-3 votes) as a penalty.
Comments or Questions: Comments and questions about this Challenge are handled on the Comments Thread
CRITIQUES: After voting has closed the entries will be posted for comments and critiques. Post constructive critiques and commentary about the entries to this Challenge in the Critiques Thread.
GDS Details: For more details on how these Game Design Showdown Challenges work, visit the GDS Wiki Page.
Enjoy, and good luck!
-Rich and Mindspike
2-5 Players
30-45 minutes
15x Wooden taxi-cab pieces
15x 30-Second sand timers
5x 1-Minute sand timers
1x Square city board
52x Client cards
52x One-off cards
Money tokens
Players take on the role of cab dispatch companies, fighting to pick up and deliver clients to their specified destinations. The goal is to accumulate the most fare money by the end of the game. The game ends when the last card of the Client Deck is flipped. Game length can be tweaked by the number of client cards in the game.
Each card in the Client Deck will start and end at different intersections. For example, 1st & Grand to 3rd & Post. Five client cards will be publicly available to all players as open jobs, to be refreshed as they are taken. The first player to arrive at the starting location of a client may “pick up” and attempt to complete that client's route.
Clients will pay varying amounts depending on the distance and difficulty of the route (from $1 to $5). Some clients will even pay double if the cab will wait for them to come back for a second ride, marked by a 1-minute timer. The player can choose to stick around for a very lucrative but long job, or cash out and leave for another route.
Each player starts with one cab, although additional cabs may be purchased with money rewarded for completed routes. Additional cabs can be purchased for $10. Each cab consists of a colored and numbered cab piece and a matching 30-second sand timer.
Movement of cabs around the city streets is real time and carried out by setting the corresponding timer. When the timer runs out, that cab can be moved one space. Then the timer is reset and the process is repeated. This may seem like a very slow process but while the timers are going, players will be planning their routes, figure out which clients their opponents are going for and decide if a certain course of action is worth the time. Adding additional cabs to your fleet with which to complete routes will complicate this process heavily but can result in much higher gains.
►Time Management:
Every second that a cab's timer sits empty is a second that an opponent can use to beat you to a valuable client. Managing one cab should not be difficult but absentminded play and poor time management will likely result in cabs sitting idle when a second or third cab is introduced.
Also, because the game ends immediately when the last card of the Client Deck runs out, any incomplete routes count for nothing. This is especially important for routes with multiple legs as clients do not pay until they've arrived.
►Money Management:
Since money equals victory points, spending money to buy a new cab late in the game may not be worth the investment.