For comments and questions on the October GDS.
[GDS] OCTOBER 2015 "A game for everyone" comments and questions
I'm a huge fan of playing and designing simple games! In fact Smoking Aces could easily fit this category.
However as it is on Kickstarter currently I should devote myself to the invention of another simple game.
Great idea for a contest.
What about games with no theme at all, like connect four or checkers?
Is the goal to have an approachable theme, or do we just have to avoid the forbidden list, and design a game around some uncommon subject that does not scream of cliche nerdom?
I like the new 500 words rule change. Thats a challenge for sure.
The 500 words is a challenge if we can't use pictures. That is, some things might be pretty clear when you're looking at the board or card and would only need 10 words to describe what it means in actual game instructions, but might take 100 words to describe the picture. (Or 1000, if the popular epigram is accurate.)
So can we include pictures? Perhaps just one picture of the board? (With an understanding that artistic talent or lack thereof should not count against someone as long as it gets the point across)
Also, your list of prohibited subjects didn't include zombies. They're pretty mainstream now, right? :-)
Ok. Sounds good.
And I WAS kidding about the zombies. :-)
Just to verify, the design challenge ends on Oct 8?
Got that great feeling about my entry - where I feel it should be polished and made ready for print. I am possibly having an illusion. Looking forward to see the other entries. :)
It's already really difficult to describe the layout with clarity without using diagrams, and we have to do it in 500 words? This is just cruel, forcing us to cut out details and clarifications.
I had to cheat a little bit by omitting some spaces and using shorter sentences, but just barely managed to squeeze under the 500 word rule, and submitted. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
yes you should totally make a new game for the design challenge
Oops! Mine is an old idea (although one which has never been published or playtested) - I did have to rewrite the rules somewhat to fit into 500 words though. Did I cheat? I haven't participated in one of these before.
Thanks! I'm actually more interested in the critique of my concept than winning. I think my idea is unusual and I'd like to see what people think (good or bad). Next challenge I'll be good and do something completely original though!
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Hi all, here's some answers to the current set of questions:
@Mark - yes you should totally make a new game for the design challenge. That's kind of the whole point: to practice skills!
@Andy - yes, an abstract game is just fine. The goal is an approachable theme, hence this month's change to include the the entire rules in the 500 words. Approachability!
@Hook - Yeah, it'll be a challenge alright! And it's a very real-life one.
@Zag24 - No images. We've been there, done that. We think we can act like adults about it and "not judge that way" or not skirt other rules about adding text on images, but plenty of past behaviour says otherwise. The point of the challenge is a writing one anyway. My advice would be to design a game that doesn't require a long explanation of the pieces. Entries are still not required to explain all the cards or spaces on the board (would qualify as "external text")
And no zombies. They clearly fall under the sci-fi/fantasy elements grouped with the stated werewolves and vampires. In the end the voters will decide how well you stuck with the requirements.