Guys, was the topic for this month's GDS not attractive enough? There were only 3 entries, and only 2 voters so far.
Is it the time of year? Because if the GDS isn't something this community is interested in participating in, then maybe there's no need to go through the motions month after month.
I know there was a server outage last week, and I've extended the voting deadline in case anybody was unable to log in and wanted to vote. Remember, you don't need to enter the GDS to vote in it! Let's give the guys who did put together an entry a hand by at least voting for your favorite, if not posting some comments in the critique forum!
I hope next month's GDS goes a little better...
I was more thinking the lack of voting... you guys have raised some good points about the volume of reading that would have to be done in order to vote fairly, and the scope creep of the entries.
I the idea of a smaller amount of text - more like the original showdown, to encourage more voting. Maybe the entrants can flesh out their entries afterwards.