This poll is for naming my animation game. I had previously polled on a few websites for favorite names, and the options below are the highest rated names. However, there was not a clear winner, so I'm going into the FINAL round for my name. I would really appreciate it if you took the time to give your opinion one more time and we'll have the name!
Final Poll To Name My Game!
Cardtoons TCG: "Combine, Control and Conquer".
And use the URL: ""
It's close to the Amalgamation "tag line" but easier to pronounce. And I would refer to the game as "cardtoons" even thought there is a TCG suffix.
That's as CLEVER as I can think up...
Maybe other designers can offer up other alternatives too! I know you had good intentions with the POLL. I just think the results were somewhat misleading. And believe me, I know: we did our own poll a couple months ago with some "dubious" results too!
Again, maybe the other designers have alternatives!
Hmm... I don't like it. No offense. Maybe "Cardtoon Studios"!
I'd prefer something more "business-like" all about that animation business that wants to create some cool characters for their next production...?
Or something like "Animation Biz" (No I don't like it either... I'm just trying to see if I can help "orient" you in the right direction...) Or maybe "Animation Buzz"...? IDK ... names are hard. Unless you have a few in mind already. And BTW I LIKED "Ink Corporated" ... I thought it was cool and clever ...
I wouldn't want a sentence... Something catchy that lines up with what your game is all about.
Again "Cardtoon Studios" is not half bad and the domain is available too:
More ideas... You should create a NEW topic like: "Please HELP me find a name for my card game" and then explain what your game is all about (You're an animation studio who are preparing their next big movie and you have to create a cast of characters for the movie, etc...)
Here's hoping you can find something appropriate Jessi!
Caardman (+something) - if Aardman Animations will cooperate!?
I think Cardtoons is very good. I also don't love Create To Animate very much. It doesn't sound like a game to me, but more like something related to animation software. Kind of corporate.
Other thoughts:
Cartoon Tycoons
Draw Lords
Ink Fight
I agree... We need to understand more about your game. It's about "Animation" and "Cartoons". And I know you mentioned there would be a cast of characters like a Hero, Villain, Love Interest, etc. That you were like an "Animator" in a company like "Pixar" or "Dreamworks", etc.
Cartoon Tycoons
Draw Lords
Ink Fight
Those all sound cool... But we need Jessi to clarify. We've got the "Animation" part ok.
With titles like Cartoon, Drawn (I added the 'n' at the end) and Ink.
But what we are missing is BEYOND that... What will be the CONTEXT!
Is it "Tycoons", "Lords", "Masters", "Battle", "Fight", etc.???
We need some clarification...
Because a name like "Cartoon Tycoons" is GREAT if the game is going to be about amassing vast sums of money or searching the Klondike for gold.
And a name like "Drawn Lords" is GREAT if the game is going to be about nobles or knights in a cartoon age of royalty.
And a name like "Ink Fight" is GREAT if the game is about duels and combating other cartoons in arena battles, etc.
We need CONTEXT. And saying that your game is about a "Cartoon Movie" is not enough. You need to figure out the PLOT of this movie ... so we can pinpoint which title is the BEST!
"Fight Ink."
The movie would be an "Action-Type" movie where the characters are cartoons... It's also got a "corporate" sounding name which I believe was something that Jessi wanted to be a part of the name.
This way it could be "any" type of "Action" movie with a Hero, Villain, Love Interest, Comic Relief Characters, etc.
I won't lie Tim's idea about "Ink Fight" got me thinking about "Fight Club" that movie and ... then well I just inverted the two and added a period ('.') and then "Fight Ink." just seemed to be more appropriate!
Maybe this more "generic" name is more along what you are looking for. IDK. Sounds like the perfect "franchise name" to me.
Note #1: I found ANOTHER good name: Duel.Ink
The domain name is available for $25 for the first year from GoDaddy ( and afterwards it goes up to $52 annually... is already owned by some Chinese person... And I could not locate pricing information EVEN if they say the domain name is for sale.
Note #2: BTW this opens up the possibility for "Something" + "Ink". Domain names are now available for the ".ink" extension. So maybe you can find your own clever name and see if the domain is still available.
Note #3: I'm also VERY partial to "Cartoons.Ink" The domain name ( is available for a reasonable price too. This TOO is a cool and GREAT name!
Kinda liking that.
It highly depends on what Jessi wants her characters to do... If it's arena battles or dueling swordsmen or pirates, well then "duel ink." is a good option.
But to get the most appropriate name, either you go "generic" with something like "cartoons ink." (which is valid for any storyline) or you plan some kind of storyline for your first game and tell us the PLOT of that storyline, so we can do a better job MATCHING the plot to the game's title.
Or "Ink, Inc."
(okay, doesn't work for this game, but I still like it.. probably taken. I know there's a Disappearing, Inc...)
Where the "Three Little Pigs" moves to "Wall Street" and makes a ton of money selling real-estate, shares and derivatives in their farms...
Wasn't there a guy who was making a game about a FARM???
Oink Inc.
Sound cool to me! LOL
To go along with you "Disappearing Inc.", how about "Vanish Inc."?!
Guessing the Jessi is busy with RL... Because I haven't seen her post any replies to any of the suggestions posted by Jason, Tim and myself. Of well I guess the domains will be there when she does decide to "check-in".
BTW if anyone has other NAME ideas for Jessi's Animation Studio game, feel free to "chime in" and offer up your name suggestions...
Always nice to hear what other people are thinking that might be different from the current suggestions. Please feel free to post your ideas/comments. Because the last time I checked in with Jessi, sounded like she was not too certain about the "outcome" of the poll... And wanted to be OPEN to other game names too!
So feel free to share your game name ideas... Cheers!
I kinda liked “Create to Animate”.
Other Various Ideas for Names:
- Animation Creation Wars
- Inky and Bold
- Inky Animation Wars
- Animation and Desperation
- War of the Ink
- Frame Versus Frame:Animation Wars
That’s all I could think up. Good luck on your game. :D
Wow that's a BRILLIANT name: Animation Wars.
"Best Name Ever" Super-Tooned! Freaken brilliant and so simple! I can't even believe that the Domain Name is also AVAILABLE:
You've just BLOWN my mind! Jessi you should JUMP ON THIS ASAP! The domain is freaken $3.99 for the first year and then $19.99 every subsequent year. Checked on GoDaddy...
But I think Jessi is busy with RL... And is letting this FANTASTIC name slip by...
Super-cool Super-Tooned!

And use the URL: ""
It's close to the Amalgamation "tag line" but easier to pronounce. And I would refer to the game as "cardtoons" even thought there is a TCG suffix.
That's as CLEVER as I can think up...
Maybe other designers can offer up other alternatives too! I know you had good intentions with the POLL. I just think the results were somewhat misleading. And believe me, I know: we did our own poll a couple months ago with some "dubious" results too!
Again, maybe the other designers have alternatives!
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who didn't receive the best poll results.
Cardtoons TCG is good. What do you think of "Create to Animate"?