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BGDF Team Hits Kickstarter

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The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014

To those who followed the announcements earlier this year, TAU CETI: Planetary Crisis launched via Kickstarter on Tuesday at 10:00, and reaching orbit shortly thereafter. Funded in less than 48 hours, it's propelling rapidly toward its first Stretch Goal.

TAU CETI, you may remember, was nominated for numerous awards at BGG, among them the 9th Most Anticipated Game of 2016!

Thanks to those of you out here who have supported the project and I extend a welcome to those who are hearing about it for the first time. I've been part of this community for more than a year, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve as the Developer for TAU CETI.

Here's the link...please check it out...

TAU CETI Emissary

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
Looks good. Good luck!

Looks good.

Good luck!

richdurham's picture
Joined: 12/26/2009
Congrats on funding 100%

**You've broken the limit max out 100% success! Winner!**

Now all that's left is stretching that goal!

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014

Thank you both, Arty and Rich! We're ecstatic...yesterday, Mike was part of a 4-hour vid-cast and tonight he's sitting an interview with a popular podcast. It's been a great six months, having had the pleasure of developing TAU CETI ~ running the play-tests, reviewing and editing the rules, and contributing a significant amount of content to the game.

TAU CETI Emissary

Joined: 04/08/2012

Thats awesome. I remember this game being in is infant stages here onthis site. Some great stuff. Keep up the great work. Congratulations on your KS funding goals as well.


Joined: 01/06/2009

that's the sound of champagne being opened :) Well done!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Good job!

I took a look at the "Massive-ness" of this game. So many cards and components. The game looks HUGE!

I'm sure this adds to replayability BIG TIME.

I'm hoping some of this "Kickstarter-Magic" is thanks to you Joe!!! And if YES - I'm hoping that "Tradewars - Homeworld" will see equal success in July 2016!

I'm still anxiously awaiting the FIRST batch of artwork (1/4), I'll send you an image once I get them from Charles!

But overall great job with this campaign.

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Thank you!


I appreciate you commenting on the game...I'll ask Mike to do a follow-up post after (or maybe during) the KS to discuss the "behind the scenes" as so many designers out here haven't launched one.


Here's to you 《raises champagne》


Yes, it's massive and will only get "massiver" as time goes by. The credit for all goes to Mike and Stan. Along the way, they graciously took my edits, suggestions for various cards, and recommendations regarding a more streamlined play.

Yes, I'm looking forward to launching Tradewars in a few months, as well. By the end of the year, my third project, The War: Pacific 1941-1945 should be close to production.

TAU CETI Emissary

jonathanflike's picture
Joined: 03/09/2016

Congratulations, it looks good :)

Joined: 07/03/2013

This kickstarter looks great! I backed it without a second thought. Thanks for letting me know about this upcoming project.

After the campaign, could you share with us what made your campaign so successful, so quickly?

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

Your campaign looks blazingly professional. It's obvious you all put plenty of work into this, and the success you've had already is testament to that.

Well done! :D

Corsaire's picture
Joined: 06/27/2013
Super impressive presentation

Super impressive presentation on Kickstarter and a very compelling bargain.

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Thank you, everyone!


Thanks for your comments and checking out the project.


We certainly appreciate you becoming a TAU CETI Backer! You're very welcome on the notification...I certainly wanted to share it with the very community that's focused on Designers (or Developers). As to the successful campaign, Mike and Stan have produced an "eye-watering" rendition of the game. The artist, Santiago has definitely made the requested changes and the aliens are superb. The sector tiles are beautiful, and the pieces created by Mechanoid and Charles Oines are simply wonderful to behold. I remember talking to Mike last year after the first KS, and while I could only impart some knowledge on running a KS, he's been very gracious to accept and adopt a number of my suggestions on a variety of issues. In the end, please let Mike and Stan know how you feel...they love the community and those that share their passion for the game.

let-off studios,

I love the term "blazingly professional" ~ and thank you very much for saying so.


I'm glad you appreciate the project and yes, given everything that's currently in the box (with more to come and more improvements later), it is a great bargain.

TAU CETI Emissary

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
2nd Stretch Goal, 500 Backers, and Social Goals w/in Reach

We're very excited!

- We reached 500 Backers!!!
- <$1,500 from our $30K Stretch Goal
- We received 450 "Likes" on Facebook!

Thanks to all our TAU CETIANS!

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014

Wow! We surpassed 600 Backers and achieved our 3rd Stretch Goal!

We've revealed a few more Stretch Goals including the Orbitals and a 6th Race!


chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
I'm curious to know if being

I'm curious to know if being featured on the Kickstarter segment of Board Game Breakfast had a noticeable effect on the campaign?

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Breakfast Bump


Great question. It's tough to say if it, specifically, has had an effect, but what I can say is TAU CETI has received a significant amount of attention with Mike's appearance on the Undead Viking's vid-cast, Alaboom, high placement on BGG's Hotness, great reviews, and of course the Breakfast.

The campaign has maintained a steady number of Backers since the second day when all projects experience a delta from their first day's numbers. Additionally, both Mike and Stan respond almost immediately to inquiries at Facebook, Twitter, BFG, and at Kickstarter.

TAU CETI Emissary

Roll For Surprise
Roll For Surprise's picture
Joined: 08/16/2012
Tau Ceti

Backed and watching those stretch goals count up!!! Go Mike!

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014

Thank you, Roll For Surprise! I'll pass along your well-wishes to Mike!

TAU CETI Emissary

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
10 Days of Accomplishments!

BGDF Colleagues,

Much has happened in the past few days, including:

- Backer total nears 800!
- Mike establishes Social Goals 2.0
- Personal Objective cards created

TAU CETI Emissary

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
800 Backers & $50K!

BGDF Colleagues,

We've achieved another Stretch Goal and I'm thrilled that we still have nearly two more weeks of the campaign.

If you haven't seen it, I encourage you to do so...provide comments and feedback as we head to the end of a successful KS project.

TAU CETI Emissary

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I contributed $20.00 to the success of this KS!

Hi Joe,

Just wanted to let you know that although I did not want a copy of the game, I did want to help Mike & Stan with their project and its continued success.

As such I contributed $20.00 (at the $1 Pledge Level).

I miss those $20.00 reward levels where you could maybe get like 5 Post Cards from different Alien Worlds...

I'll see IF I can include something in our KS.

Anyhow I hope you guys smash the 1,000 Backers. Would be awesome!


The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
We've Done It!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

For those of you have pledged...Thank You!

We've accomplished that which rarely happens...we have 1,000 Backers!

Additionally, we had the following accomplishments:

- Shattered our 1st thru 6th Stretch Goal!
- Completed Social Goals, Social Goals 2.0 & Backer Goal, and Altauri Goals!

There are still a few days left...and we're on our way to break thru a few more Stretch Goals and another set of Social Goals.

I'm thankful to Mike and Stan Strickland for embracing many of the ideas I contributed to TAU CETI, which has added a deck of 72 interesting and exciting Specialists' cards, the deadly Galactic Marauders, and the strategy-driving Objective cards.

Ambassador Joe

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Thanks, Kris


On behalf of Mike and Stan, thanks! Yes, having a few more Reward Tiers for our KS project will definitely be great!

Well, we smashed it! The analysis I conducted on more than 150 KS Games' projects points to garnering 50% of the number of Day 1-2 Backers as those who pledge in the last 48 hours, so we should have approximately 1,200-1,250 Backers and blast thru the next few Stretch Goals in the days ahead.


The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Last 40 Hours!

Well, during the time I slept last night, we vaulted from $69K to $75K, blowing through two more Stretch Goals! We're definitely reaching the next one, and dare I say, the final one...a custom insert! Set Propulsion to Level we go!

TAU CETI Emissary & Developer

Gabe's picture
Joined: 09/11/2014
That's awesome.

That's awesome. Congratulations!

You might even break 100k.

And I hope you'll put together some kind of case study to help us aspiring Kickstarters.

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Great Idea!


Thank you very much! Yes, Mike and Stan have run a fantastic campaign, and I'll chat with Mike in the days ahead about writing an After Action Report of what went well and what could have gone better during the month-long project.

Yes, $100K is within the realm of possibility.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Wow you guys did AMAZING!

Holy smokes, you guys have gotten over the $100k mark!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is amazing... And ALMOST 1,500 backers also!

That's really fantastic for you guys. Congrats again!

Update: Counting down those last minutes with you guys! Hope you hit the 1,500 backers ... so close! :D

Update #2: 30 minutes left = 1,500!!! Woohoo!!!

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Impressive Campaign!

Mike and Stan Strickland provided an action-packed campaign from beginning to end, displaying the very best in social marketing and tying social goals to the KS; providing tangible, exciting Stretch Goals along the way; and addressing every comment which truly distinguished them from among so many other evidenced by a Backer total which exceeded 1,500 and a Funding Level of more than 450%!

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