Very happy to announce publishing this unique game.
Please check it out:
Very happy to announce publishing this unique game.
Please check it out:
It costs £4 to check this out. :(
I guess what you are saying is that you must PAY to get a copy of the PDF??? In that case, yeah it's true it's 5 euros to get a copy of the PDF. So in effect, we cannot "check this out" as you have pointed out unless we, you and I, back this KS campaign.
Anyhow I understand your frustration. There is not much on the KS page to warrant me to want to invest the money in getting a PDF copy. Not while I have no ideas as to how many pages are in the document except for the brief "part of the index"... Highly secretive in the event it would have been better to reveal the ENTIRE "index" to give backers are better idea of what to expect.
Anyhow I'm not really into "miniatures" unless they are for a Tactical Version of "TradeWorlds"... Otherwise I have little to no interest in them.
We're checking out the Kickstarter, not the product, I assume.
In that spirit..
The rewards are weird, and the description of what we would get is minimal at best. I can't even tell if it's a GAME or a combat system.
For 35 euro I get an app, MAYBE, IF YOU DECIDE TO MAKE IT, but probably a spreadsheet. But since I don't know what sort of score keeping is needed, I have no idea whether I'd want an app anyway. Or a spreadsheet. But the fact that you'd offer me a spreadsheet for 35 euro makes me think it's a pretty complicated spreadsheet, which makes me think the game might be more about numbers in a spreadsheet than anything else.
For 5 euro I get a PDF. For 25 euro (plus 15 euro shipping to the US, so like $45) I get a printout of that PDF. Unless this is a 2000-page manual, that doesn't seem cost-effective for me. Maybe it IS 2000 pages.. no idea. That would be 2000 pages of pure fun, though! :)
And even for the PDF.. this is obviously something you've been modifying over and over and over again (version 3.71 when you started the KS, and already version 3.8 now). Would I get version 3.9 for free? 4.0? Since 3.8 just changed the "weapons rules", I imagine this might be important.
Not sure if the OP is the sort of OP who comes back to respond and look for what advice is posted, or the sort who did an advertisement and never returns, so I'll stop there.
But definitely this "designer" didn't make too much effort in designing his KS page! For one thing, he should have included the COMPLETE "index" just to give us a better insight into the "size" of his document. What does he think people have the time to just sit there are come up with rules for his "index"???
There is absolutely 0% graphic design in his KS page. This leads me to believe that his PDF is ONLY a text document. Even D&D Manuals have some "illustrations" (if not many...) I'd be concerned that all I'll be getting is walls of text. To this I would have recommended to add an "excerpt" or two so that we can have an idea about what it is we are "buying" into...
Furthermore this KS notification was published in the News & Announcement section so this is just a post regarding the KS. I *seriously* doubt he (the designer) will return to respond to our concerns?!
Otherwise he should have SHARED a link with a PREVIEW of the campaign PRIOR to launching his KS and we would have been able to give him advice to better his KS page... Oh well... He's only looking for 750 euros.
Wishing him all the best... But I think his page is rather unprofessional and could have used some "polish" to make it more appealing. I also think the Funding Goal is a bit low too... But that's only my opinion.
I'd imagine some kind of "provisions" for the PRINTED Manual would have to include some digital download rights too. Like maybe if you purchase the Manual, you would be entitled to a years FREE "downloads" of the digital PDF updates. And PDF purchases are repeatable expenses each time you want a new update, you need to pay for the download. I mean it's only 5 euros.
To be real honest, I'm not sure what the rules are in this specific context.
If you get a printed hard copy, I'm not sure you want to be reading an obsolete version of the rules if there is a Version 3.81 or 3.90 or even 4.00... Depending on the nature of the changes, it could seriously affect the gameplay.
Things like "Weapon Rules" and "Ship Tables" can have a deep impact and you definitely don't want the WRONG rules when reading your Ultimate Guide to Space Combat!
Just some additional thoughts...
Update: Also depending on the nature of changes, if this is a PDF with 1,000 pages, I guess you would want to HIGHLIGHT things that are changed in each PDF such that you don't need to search for the corrections or differences, such that they are *obvious* so that people don't necessarily need to read the entire PDF from start to finish, only the parts that have been corrected. Either way ... it sounds like a real headache to find the changes.
I "backed" your KS campaign... I'm actually going to want to READ this ... Not because I am at all versed in Miniature Combat ... But we do have a "Tactical Core" for TradeWorlds and this might INSPIRE me with some additional things to think about and consider.
I chose the 5 euros for the PDF version... Again interested in having a look at this digital "document"... Just for my own "culture" maybe a bit of an intro to miniatures and since it's about "Space Combat" ... Well it might be a subject that I might want to learn MORE about!
Cheers and best of luck with your KS campaign!
Note: I know this sounds a bit "contradictory" to my earlier comment. But that's because you mentioned FASA and other systems in the KS page which got me to believe ... Well you had to design your own system for a specific reason. And that got me thinking ... If I was to WANT to read about some kind of "Tactical Space Combat" system ... Well maybe this would be a good idea!
And so that's why I backed your KS campaign. I'm genuinely interested in reading what it's about. I know it will maybe be too "technical" but then again your opening paragraph states that OTHER games are too "technical" rather fast ... And so I'm hoping it might be easier to read!
We had another "designer" who claimed to have designed the Perfectly Balanced RPG and was selling copies of his rules. The problem was that he was asking $1,000 USD dollars! Of course nobody would pay that amount and the title of his rulebook seem to indicate something less than "readable" content...
But at 5 euros ... This Space Combat System is probably the BEST KS campaign that I have backed. Why? Because it's very *reasonable*. It costs me more to get a page worth of creative writing and this promises to be a complete Combat System.
So I believe that I'm getting HUGE value in-so-much that it will at least educate me in what a Space Combat System "looks like" for miniatures. I might not understand all the nuances of what makes this particular system better than a FASA one ... but at least it's an interesting starting point for a miniatures "introduction"!
Yeah, it actually looks like it should be good, if you want that sort of thing. It's just.. not a great Kickstarter campaign.
Sell the thing on your website for $5 (with free upgrades for a year or whatever) and make the spreadsheet available for free. Done. There's nothing that needs Kickstarting here, by which I mean there's no manufacturing step that needs to be funded all at once by backers.
(I can print a 100-page double-sided manual with a spiral binding for under $5, certainly.. so what on earth is costing 25 euros there?)
They allow you to write/publish/sell your books in various formats with all kinds of options. It might be less expensive than options the author is currently exploring...
IDK just a suggestion.
I chose the 5 euros for the PDF version... Again interested in having a look at this digital "document"... Just for my own "culture" maybe a bit of an intro to miniatures and since it's about "Space Combat" ... Well it might be a subject that I might want to learn MORE about!
Cheers and best of luck with your KS campaign!
Note: I know this sounds a bit "contradictory" to my earlier comment. But that's because you mentioned FASA and other systems in the KS page which got me to believe ... Well you had to design your own system for a specific reason. And that got me thinking ... If I was to WANT to read about some kind of "Tactical Space Combat" system ... Well maybe this would be a good idea!
And so that's why I backed your KS campaign. I'm genuinely interested in reading what it's about. I know it will maybe be too "technical" but then again your opening paragraph states that OTHER games are too "technical" rather fast ... And so I'm hoping it might be easier to read!
What was it like? Any exciting ideas?
Somehow I get the impression we will never know... because the KS will NOT be successful. That's my feeling with only 10 days left. He is over 50% of his goal but still... not enough to get a mad rush at the end of his campaign. Seems unlikely...
It appears a "contributor" and "question" reward level appeared for $11 USD. I couldn't help to "switch" my $6 USD PDF to this version... since it also has updates for an ENTIRE year!
I gave more $22 USD... Since I hope this campaign FUNDS.
I am, like most of you, curious to read the content of this Battle System.
If you have $6 USD consider getting the PDF for that amount!
It would be real nice if this Kickstarter gets funded so we can all share in the beauty of this Battle System...
So if you have a couple bucks (like $6 USD), please consider backing!!!
I wonder who the cautious one should be.
But then again, it is an all or nothing project. Not enough money is a refund here?
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