So I have quite a bit of content for some of my games, graphics, rules, etc. Is it a good idea to create a dev blog for all of my games using something like googles blogspot, or is that just asking for someone to rip me off?
Are bloggs a good idea?
um... isn't Game Journals on this site is for discussing works in progress?
I second the comment that making a game journal here would be the natural choice.
As for whether someone would rip you off: Probably not.
I run my own blog as I get to choose the software, and thus the feature capabilities.
I keep design blogs for specific games here (well, only one such so far) and a more general blog elsewhere. No, I'm not worried about being ripped off.
I keep my own blog, but that's not a slight against the BGDF. I keep it because I had it for a long time before I found the BGDF, and it's the established location for my small, but dedicated, fan base to find the Game of the Month.
To my knowledge, none of my ideas have been "ripped off", with the possible exception of Tumblewords, and that's an idea that's so simple that it could easily be a case of simultaneous independent creation.
It seem that the new web site has both features: blogs and game journal. Is there much a difference on the way it looks/works?
To my knowledge here is the difference between blogs and game journals on this site:
A blog is a place where you can post basic game ideas, musings, and your researches into the world of board games, or the success of the board game industry. Maybe a blog could also be used to talk about yourself, or your gaming buddies.
A game journal is a page where you can post in-depth information concerning the design process of one of your games. You could write about the rule design process, how you created the game components, or how you had the basic idea. Usually game journals include extensive reports about gaming sessions; your playtesters reaction to your game, their thoughts, etc...
I hope this helps!
I would love it if people who have off-site blogs would put a note in their corkboard with the address (just click on your own name). I'd like to explore folks', but don't know where they are.

I have seen a few users here have their own bloggs seperate of this website because of space and layout issues, that's why I ask.