I am pleased to announce a redesign of the Sovereign Chess website (sovereignchess.com). Our template is focused on stunning pictures of the game, with a new "16 Rules" campaign to explain how the game plays.
I would appreciate any feedback you can give about the website, the rules, or the explanation of the game. While we are excited about this Squarespace 6 template, there are a few design glitches that we are working on correcting.
Our game has been featured in both seasons of "King of the Nerds", and by request, we are developing a Kickstarter campaign for later this year.
Thanks for your help,
Mark Bates
Creator, Sovereign Chess
Thanks for all of the great observations. Those are exactly what I want--a point of view from a new person who stumbles across the site.
I am looking at the timing issue and some of the gallery options you suggested. We've also put in easier controls to move between the rules pages faster.
Please let me know if you have further suggestions: mark@sovereignchess.com
Thanks again...