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GenCon 2014 qnyone?

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Joined: 11/07/2008

Are there plans anywhere for BGDF folks to meetup at this year's GenCon Indy 2014?


The Chaz
The Chaz's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012

I don't know of any plans, but I'd be happy to meet up!

I'm planning to attend some of the following:

"Game design in the classroom" - Wednesday, 10:00am
"Game design workshop" - Wednesday, 4pm
"Basics of game design" - Thursday, 11:00am
"Finding your identity as a designer" - Thursday, 4pm

So maybe I'll see some of you fine folks at one of those meetings!

I'll be wearing a ball cap with a snake head on it for probably the whole con. Please introduce yourself!


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