Hi dear BGDF,
as a 4th year almost graduate in game design I am wondering the following:
- How do you get a job as a game designer at a company which produces board games?
The problem is my study prepares you for the creation of video games, but I have learned that creating board games is more awesome, and rewarding. And because my study only prepares you for video games they do not have any knowledge about the table top game market, or any companies who might take graduate intern ships.
So I went to a big publisher here in Holland called 999 games. And I was told that they buy 90% of their games from other countries and translate them, and the last 10% they pick out of what game ideas they get send by mail.
I was shocked and stunned, for I knew somewhere in this world there would have to be some kind of table top creating company where people have a 'regular' job creating table top games all day.
And I hope I am not wishing too much when I am also hoping that they are making interesting and hard to master games which are fun to play for adults. And where they are not just trying to push a cool looking game on the market which is broken beyond repair, and where the only real challenge is finishing the game before it gets too annoying. And your urge to use a blowtorch instead of the conventional game rules to finish the game gets the better of you.
My name is Johannes and I am looking for a (foreign) intern ship designing board games in a company near you! :)
So as a short summary:
- First get some type of job at a publisher of games, and then try to make yourself into a gamedesigner?
- Get married, become house man and create games while the wife creates cash income.
Both don't really appeal to me except for the having a nice girlfriend with who I would get married part :)
Maybe my world view is a bit twisted since I got lucky on my first internship and became assistant game designer and level designer for a Nintendo DS video game (so I even have 1 international shipped title). I am guessing in the normal world that would never happen.
It's just that everything I create needs to follow just one rule: namely that I have never seen or heard about it anywhere so that I can honestly say it's original.
http://www.lucky00.com/school/twif/images/IMG_1636.jpg << image of my board game
My board game followed the same rule evidently, and I guess I'll just get in a company as board game designer right away, because no one else ever did and because of the same luck I used when getting my first internship place.
Wish me luck :)