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International Tabletop Day

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The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014

What did you do for International Tabletop Day?

Here in beautiful South Riding, VA we enjoyed a game of Arkham Horror!

Old But Fun
Joined: 02/03/2015
Didn't know there was an International Tabletop Day

I revised my game rules/instructions to respond to some of the mechanics that needed tweaking after my very first play test a couple days ago (with myself and 5 "fake" hands). I play tested it again today with me and 4 "fake" hands and, happily, the fixes helped the flow of the game. I am still re-thinking the number of cards, though I used almost half of the deck during today's game. I think I will have to enlist some real people for the next play test before making any decisions in that regard. So, I had a very game-oriented International Tabletop Day!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Working with my writer

I have had a productive day spent with Family - but I also took the time to update my development blog in addition to review questions and storylines provided by my writer.

Hopefully I spend at least 1 hour a day working on "Tradewars - Homeworld"! More on the weekends because I have more time - but at least some minimum amount of time daily.

So this was perhaps like most normal days, a couple of hours spent on Table Top game design! :D

Joined: 11/06/2013
I knew International Tabletop

I knew International Tabletop Day was coming, but some things are even more important than gaming. I was at my nephew's second birthday. I'll be catching up on May 2, when my local gaming store has a game night.

The Professor
The Professor's picture
Joined: 10/25/2014
Good times!

Good to hear of a few stories from folks who either played or worked on their games. Hope you enjoyed the birthday party, anonymousmagic!


Joined: 03/18/2015
Sails of Glory!

The entire family sat around and played Sails of Glory for hours on end! (accompanied with loads of buttery popcorn)

That was our way of celebrating International Tabletop Day.

MarkJindra's picture
Joined: 01/24/2014

Spent the day playtesting a game I am working on with a friend.

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