I didn't know where this should go so I chose here.
I know the impact board games have had on Kickstarter & how many games go there for funding.
My question to most is-
What makes Kickstarter better than Go Fund Me for you?
Is it the kind of built in board game community?
The terms? Exposure?
Never knew there were other options?
I am really curious because I don't care for Kickstarter much. I very much like how GFM functions.
In case you don't know, the big difference is on KS you must meet your goal before getting anything; whereas on GFM you pull money out as you need/want it.
This appeals to me as I see it as a way to build whatever you are doing, as long as funding comes in.
You can set your own goals, let's say-
I want $3,000.
I can plan and state my plan as the first $300 is for X, the next $800 is for Y, and the remainder is for Z.
I see it working better than KS for my mind and how I go about working out a project.
What about you? Any thoughts on it?
The figures don't really matter much; it was a thought of something to do.
I know the numbers behind KS, the real numbers.
For a couple years now, solid publishers won't touch a KS game.
Over 80% of fully funded games will never be released due to the designer being heavily in debt after the funding comes in.
So maybe a change in question?
Why put all your eggs in one basket, instead of gaining funding at each stage of development?