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Moving on (for now...)

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Squinshee's picture
Joined: 10/17/2012

I can't say I've been the most consistently active member here, but I have always enjoyed my sudden bursts of board game design enthusiasm. Many of you have helped my designs, and some have even played them! But I have fallen under the spell of a new kind of design - video games (*hugs Unity*)! Which isn't to say I'll never come back to the manic world of board game design and all the fun aspects that come with it - printing, sleeving, prototyping, playtesting, rulebook management, repeat, repeat, etc.

Video game design has a lot going for it and has been a more successful endeavor for me, more than board game design ever was. It's made me appreciate that creating a vibrant ecosystem of meaning decisions within dynamic mechanisms is in many ways much more challenging in an analog format. Which isn't to say I've abandoned it, I'm just giving it a long deserved rest.

If anyone is interested in my current video game design, tentatively titled "Dungeons!", you can check it out here (controls and a brief survey are below the game window from the link):

It's a single-player level-based puzzle/adventure game that features simple controls yet challenging environmental brain-teasers (think 2D Zelda sans combat).

If anyone also has any questions about video game development, I'd love to answer them. I'm still a novice, but hopefully I can help!

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Happy Trails!

First off: have fun making games, whatever the media. :) I reckon this website will be around should you decide to come back round to it.

Secondly, you should join in the One Hour Game Jam each Saturday:

Not sure what time zone you're in, but hopefully you can spare an hour to take part in a game-making frenzy, then maybe see the organizers host a streaming video of them playing your game. It's a completely low-pressure, casual way to put quick ideas out there in the world, try to learn new techniques, and receive some immediate feedback.

Unity seems like an effective, accessible tool. Have fun with it!

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