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Munchkin Ed

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hello everyone,

I spent 30 minutes to watch a game of Munchkin being played out... It was very interesting. In one way it was cruel (how players beat on each other) and another way collaborative (when players play together).

I watched Steve Jackson, the designer of the game itself, play the game. How odd was it that he actually WON the game?!

Never the less, it was interesting how a simple game concept could be so interesting... And the various facets to the game (co-opetition).

I also never knew that Munchkin comes with a 10 level board (to track each player's progression in the game). I always assumed it was a card game only.

Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015
You're lucky that you only

You're lucky that you only had to watch. Someone actually forced me to play once. Almost as miserable as Fluxx. I'd rather have bloody flux than play that again.

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