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Protospiel, Unpub, and the Northwest

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 09/23/2014

Hey everyone,

I noticed that there isn't much as far as Protospiels or Unpubs in the Northwest. Would anyone go to one if it was in Spokane? Let me know.


Beggarking's picture
Joined: 09/09/2014
I'm a northwesterner and I'd

I'm a northwesterner and I'd be interested in a local Protospiel/unpub. I'd prefer something in the greater Seattle area over Spokane though.

Joined: 09/23/2014
Thanks for the support

Thanks for the input, I am looking into starting one for the Northwest. Unless I get a bunch of people from the Seattle area clamoring for it to be in Seattle, probably looking at something in Spokane, just because that is closer to my home base here in Pullman, WA. I will through this out there though, would more people be interested if it was scheduled during Sasquan or another local game/comic/ect convention, or on an off weekend?

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