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Sierra's Colonel's Bequest

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

I recently found out that Sierra's "Colonel's Bequest" is now "Abandonware" dating all the way back to 1989...

Anyways the game was a mystery trying to figure out who is the murderer. The game is like a Play and is divided into "scenes"/"acts".

What's so cool about the game is there are a bunch of places you can visit - which require you finding a way to "get into them". Added to this is the bonus that being in the right place at the right time can result in you spying or seeing someone do something out of the ordinary (like walk into the barn, etc.)

This uses Sierra's old technology - but it's still rather an amazing MYSTERY.

As Abandonware - it's really amazing that you can download and play this amazing game - even by today's standards. There has really never been anything like this game (in modern gaming) - at least I have never seen anything comparable.

I remember having the game - but never being able to "finish" it knowing who the murderer was or what happened to the Colonel.

Midnight_Carnival's picture
Joined: 06/17/2015
one of many!

There are so many great old games out there which people overlook because at some point games became all about graphics which were outdated within a year and then you had to buy the next game but you couldn't run it on your computer so you needed to buy a new machine to run the new game on...

Back when developers were stuck with limited graphics and capabilities they had to rely on clever plots and interesting game mechanics to attract players. There has only been a partial revival in modern indie and retro games.

I'm going to look for Colonel's Bequest. Maybe it'll run on dosbox

richdurham's picture
Joined: 12/26/2009
Adventure games are the new hotness again

Now that boardgamers are seeing that you can do more in a dungeon than slay monsters, I'm glad to see adventure games making a comeback!

And if you want, you can play Colonel's Bequest in your browser from myabandonware. There may be complications, of course.

Inspire any board games?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Download the security codes too...

You can get a copy of the Fingerprints required by the security verification. You can also download the game too... In case you want to do things like SAVE a game, LOAD a game, etc.

But it was/is a cool game! There are a bunch of good Sierra games: Space Quest Series, Police Quest Series, Hero's Quest, King's Quest, etc.

All great "Adventure Games"...

Tedthebug's picture
Joined: 01/17/2016
I loved missionforce:cyberstorm

I think is is also Sierra abandonware. I still have the disc & managed to find someone that had patched it to work on windows10. It was a turn based mech squad game, depending on your rank you had access to different mech chassis', modules etc & would fit them out & go battle enemy mechs while trying to mine ore for $. Played like a boardgame but is probably a bit to complex on the movement mechanics to be straight converted to a boardgame.

kwasher's picture
Joined: 10/07/2016
Wow, they have CHOLO. I

Wow, they have CHOLO. I still consider it one of the best games I've ever played (on the Commodore 64, no less). And talk about graphics! It had none. Well, it had what I'd describe as 'geometric lines" (they have some screenshots at myabondonware). You would figure out codes to use items, like a rat droid you would enter and could travel the post apocalyptic city streets. It has board game potential I think.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
It just remind me that I

It just remind me that I tried once to play Ultima IV on a commodore 64 emulator. It was horrible, not only every key had a function but entering a city required to swap in 5 different disk. Why could they not put the whole city on the same disk.

Anyways, yes there are many old games that are a good source of inspiration. I know few on PC and commodore as I did not have any of those machines at that time. I have more knowledge of console games starting with intellivision and then the NES.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Good old PC days...

larienna wrote:
...Anyways, yes there are many old games that are a good source of inspiration. I know few on PC and commodore as I did not have any of those machines at that time. I have more knowledge of console games starting with intellivision and then the NES.

Well you missed out on the 16 color EGA "Adventure" Games created by Sierra. They were the GIANTs back in the 80s... At least on PCs not Commodores.

Ultima IV and V were great PC games too! I don't even think we had HARD DISK DRIVES YET!!! Floppies - if my memory is correct...

Awesome games for their time...

I think the MOUSE was separate hardware used by Paint programs like DR. HALO. They were not even standard to the PC - YET... Microsoft Windows was not as popular yet either! Everything was MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS)...

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I have always been a huge fan

I have always been a huge fan of DOS. It's an OS that gives you absolute control of your computer.

Evil ColSanders
Evil ColSanders's picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
I loved colonel's bequest. It

I loved colonel's bequest. It ran fine on my 286 and 486. The instructions gave you clues on what you should do if you got stuck. Like, did you go to the gazebo? The garden? have you found the basement? basement is pretty much end game though. All those deaths though!

I had Ultima VI was amazing too had the cloth map and I made a strategy guide to find spells, quests or treasure. Never beat it. Even went to the Daemon realm. God, I was so horribly lost.

P.S. Get boomerangs. Low damage but you don't take hits.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Classic Games you never beat!

Evil ColSanders wrote:
...Never beat it...

That's a true sign that the game was EPIC! If you enjoyed playing it and you never beat it... It's a sign!

I had a game I spent my whole summer playing: Starflight. The galaxy was so big and there were so many planets to explore. Worst thing yet is each planet had it's own MAP. And you were trying to find relics that would help you solve the game!

Never beat it either! But like I said I LITERALLY spent an entire summer playing this game...

Truly another amazing DOS-Based game...

Update: So that's two (2) games I thought were AMAZING and did not beat! And I played both for countless hours.

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