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World Record Attempt

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Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017

Ok Designers, I have had this Idea for a while

Does anyone know if they is a world record, for the most number of players
Playing a Single Board Game.i have surfed around the net but found nothing.

How can we get a bunch of fun loving people together for this attempt.
I'm thinking we could Organize this for some game-con.

So what type of game can we create ?

So is there anyone interested in helping me with this project,Ideas Thoughts.

Thanks All.

Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017

To clarify this World Record Attempt.

Its 1 game with the most players.Not the most players playing several copies of the same game at the same time.

I am now looking through the Guinness world Record Site,but i am finding it very confusing, If anyone can help with this i would be greatly Appreciated.

This is the Closest Record i can find. By Mayfair Games.

The most people playing Settlers of Catan simultaneously is 922 and was achieved by Mayfair Games (USA) in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, on 16 August 2013. The event took place during the trade show Gen Con Indy 2013. The game was set up as one continuous Seafarer's expansion board with all 922 players, with the final winner being the first to reach 25 points.

MAR's picture
Joined: 04/23/2017
World Record

This is an interesting idea, please keep me posted :) I will try to come up with some ideas, but to beat that record of 922, we are going to need quite a bit of people!

-Austin Rice

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Water Cooler content...

Kohlstech wrote:
..Does anyone know if they is a world record, for the most number of players playing a Single Board Game.i have surfed around the net but found nothing.

In future please post messages like this in the "Water Cooler" as this has nothing to do with "New Game Ideas"... It's off-topic and the "Water Cooler" is a place where people can talk about the weather if they like...

Thank you,

Aka QuestCCG
"Indie" Game Designer
BGDF Moderator - Publisher List

WinsmithGames's picture
Joined: 01/20/2017
A very interesting idea

A very interesting idea indeed.

I think you'd be hard-pressed to top that attendance, unless you were at a very large convention.

Additionally, it would require some, if not many/all of the following reasons to attract attendees:

-a common game many people would like
-the game can reasonably be played by such a large group

Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017
Sorry Off topic

My apologies Questccg,

Is there a way to move a thread, or is best to abandon
and start a new thread.

Kohlstech's picture
Joined: 11/03/2017
Mar, The i was on the world


The i was on the world record site, verifying the rules behind what is a world record, it seems like the world record that i am going for is very game specific
The record that i posted we would have to be playing settlers of catan. MY idea was to Make a new game, thus being a different type of record.

So would could start of small,and then grow that size.

So i guess i should be asking, know of any games that can be played by a large group

if we could get like 50 people playing a game, it would be a record because
the record would be for that game.

Hope this makes sense.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
You seem to have figured it out!

Kohlstech wrote:
My apologies Questccg,

Is there a way to move a thread, or is best to abandon
and start a new thread.

I'm just stating for future reference: please use the "Water Cooler" for NON-DESIGN topics.

Thank you for moving the thread...

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