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Yuk! I have to make a forum or something!

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Midnight_Carnival's picture
Joined: 06/17/2015

Hello. I have moved to Colombia where I am working as a volunteer English teacher.
Part of what I am required to do involves making English more interesting to my students through volunteer projects. If you are not a 1st language English speaker, you will understand how difficult and uninspiring English can be to learn and if you are a 1st language English speaker, imagine that you were on your way to getting your qualification and being able to work when somebody in government decided that in order to work as an accountant, welder, ect you had to learn German, then add to that, that you had no intention of ever even visiting Germany on holiday and knew no one who spoke German...
Anyway, I'm getting distracted – if I can make English more interesting and appealing to my students, I can play a small part in transforming Colombia's image overseas and helping this country to prosper.

What I'm doing:
I have 2 volunteer projects, the official one and the unofficial one.

Officially, I'm working with posters and banners, this should be easy because many of the students at my centre study graphic design related subjects or marketing... however, in order to make it interesting and interactive (as opposed to just “go make a poster, put some English on it this time!”), I would like to create an online community where my students can upload designs and interact with students and volunteers from other centres. Already I have a lot of interest from other centres and from Bogotá.

The unofficial project centres around community gardening and environmental groups. Colombians live such a beautiful country with such abundance that they sometimes take it for granted. I hope by sharing info and experiences with other such groups in other parts of the world they will not only share their knowledge but also learn how lucky they are to live here!

What I need:
As explained, I need to create an interactive online community (
En inglés y en español, pero el inglés es un requisito importante para mi proyecto de voluntariado. ) I have designed it on paper (as silly as that sounds) I know exactly what I need. I must have it so people can sign up, create a profile and very importantly upload images, I need only 2 groups, the users and the admin and they will mostly be the same except that the admin will be running things. I want different subsections and threads which can be closed after a while, ect.
I would like to create one online community for the poster project and one for the people growing things project (not narcotics, don't watch Narcos before responding to this post!)

So what's stopping me:
A combination of 3 factors:
1) as a volunteer, I get paid enough to stay alive, fortunately most of Colombia is very cheap to live in, otherwise what was described as “a modest living stipend” would come to nothing. I can not afford to pay a huge amount to someone in order to get them to make my dream website only to have to leave the country later and have very little to do with it afterwards (the poster one, the gardening one I'm going to be all over no matter where I am). The other thing is that Colombia is not a rich country, I'll gladly reinvest some of what they are generous enough to pay me back into the country while I'm here (6-12 months more) but since I do believe in the projects I am starting, I'd be sad to hear that the online communities collapsed after I left because the other admins could not afford to pay for maintenance and upkeep of the website.
2) I have somewhere south of all ability when it comes to coding anything. I might learn html or whatever it is, but I have my hands full learning to be a real teacher, not to mention learning Spanish! Then I have to plan lessons and activities, mark stuff the students did, I spend around 30 hours a week in class (for which I have to plan and prepare) and have other work-related obligations meaning I don't really see that I will be able to teach myself how to make web pages and online communities too soon.
3) I know of students who have the ability to do this and once my Spanish improves I can enlist their help, but let's face it, NOBODY is going to respond well to “you have to make a website for me and you have to do this and that and the other and then you can join it” - I am more likely to get help from them if I have something to show initially which they can then fix and modify. It is my intention (because I will have to leave at some point) that the Colombians themselves, especially the students, take over the projects and the associated online communities. Having them help develop it is a good way of making them feel a sense of ownership and pride however expecting them to do everything for me is going to be counter-productive.
Likewise, support, including perhaps financial support for my projects can come from the government (via the educative institution, etc food chain) but again, only if I have something to show for it. Asking for technical or financial support so I can start something will get me nowhere.

So what I'm asking for:
Does anybody know of a very cheap service which would allow me to be create the online communities I need for my projects to work well?

Has anyone ever made such a website/forum themselves and do you still have the code?
If you could send me a “blank template” for such a thing and instructions on how to turn it into an actual working website, including registering it and domain things, ect, it would be like divine intervention, a lot more than I would ever expect.

But even if not, any and all info which might help me would be very much appreciated.

Any guidance on how to do it better or on how to reshape my desired results so they become something which can be made cheaply and fairly easily would again be more than I am prepared to ask for but again, it would be amazing if it were possible as it would save me a lot of trial and error.

What I'm not asking for:
Despite the things I said would be amazing if they could happen, I'm actually not asking for someone to design the web pages for me, make the sites, maintain and administer them, etc. If I'm going to ask someone to do those thing I'm going to pay them to, and then as I've said, I don't have much to pay them!
I'm also not asking for financial assistance, as I have said, if I can't afford it the Colombians won't be able to afford it after I go; so although it would help me no end if someone gave me a huge pile of money, I would much rather create a cheap and sustainable online community so that when I am gone it can continue without me.

I know I tend to write a lot and because of this I have kept the details on my projects and exactly what I need from the web pages to a minimum, I will share more details if anyone wants to know them.

Thank you for reading all of this and considering my requests.

Joined: 12/22/2015
bbs program

free and will work in PHP 7 also - I switched to it when I went from PHP 5.5 to 7 on my web host (phpBB - the one I started with - and another I investigated both used deprecated / no longer supported flags and functions and broke with version 5.6)

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I read your post in diagonal,

I read your post in diagonal, but if you need a content management system, there are tons of options available. I am currently using PMwiki for my websites, but if you are looking for something multiuser with forums and stuff, it might not be the right one for you.

I found once an online questionnaire that asked your needs and proposed you in the end some options of CMS that could work for you. Some are easier or harder to setup. Some requires a database, in my case pmwiki does not.

When my friend opened his website with "Blue Host" there are many CMS available that can be installed in 1 click. So the web provider you are using could incite you to use certain product.

Joined: 02/05/2016

It is fairly easy to get a website going in Wordpress, and then add a forum plugin. Most hosters have a Wordpress option bundled in with the web-hosting.

If you do have access to Wordpress, I could probably help point you in the right direction for some plugins etc.

Midnight_Carnival's picture
Joined: 06/17/2015

thanks, I'm looking into as many options as possible to see which one is best right now, also busy because the year is going to end, but I'll get back to you

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I used...

phpBB ... was pretty easy to configure and use. I even managed to create a "Lobby" and a "Members only" section to keep some of the content confidential.

Had to do with setting/creating User Groups and then when a user asked for login access (for a Member), I just give them the right Group and voila, they could see the remainder of the fora.

Joined: 12/22/2015
phpBB glitch

I switched from phpBB because it uses deprecated /e flag with preg_replace() -- will work in PHP 5.5 with error messages suppressed but breaks in PHP 5.6 and PHP 7 since no longer supported.

I investigated a second free bbs (do not remember the name of that one) but it used mysql_connect vs mysqli_connect and so the same issues.

But using phpBB is not something I would recommend as of middle of last month (October) when I let my host update (they had announced were going to soon drop or charge extra for continued PHP 5.5 support) the PHP version being used.

ssm's picture
Joined: 04/06/2017

If you are still looking, or someone else happens by, check out Nabble. It is an open-source forum that is free to use and plug into any site. You have many options. I have used it myself from time to time. The Nabble community is pretty large and you will probably pick up some users from their normal users.

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