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Fixed the Secondary Menu Links

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Just as an FYI, I fixed the darn "Secondary Menu Links" (Game Design, Artwork, List of Publishers and Archive) because when you were on the HOMEPAGE (clicking on the logo or using a direct URL) those LINKS did NOT work...

I added a < div >& nbsp; < /div > to introduce another HTML ELEMENT because the PRIMARY bar was interfering with the Secondary one.

So my dumb-fix worked... I'm happy this means that I could ADD some Secondary Links if need-be.

Cheers all!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
BTW it had something to do with the Formatting between blocks

I figured the Breadcrumb that comes AFTER the Secondary Menu, when present allows the Secondary Links to WORK. But when you hit the main page, there is no Breadcrumb (because you are on the MAIN PAGE). So I figured what was needed was a FIXED SIZE HTML element. The SPACE (& nbsp;) in a DIV would force the LINE to be sufficiently HIGH enough, enabling the Anchors on the Secondary Links to work...

It's a REAL PATCH! Cheers.

Note #1: I added a STYLE with a HEIGHT of 23px according to the height of the corresponding buttons. I noticed that while the SPACE was handling about 3/4 of the button area, it was NOT 100%. So I just added the STYLE to ensure that the buttons ALWAYS work when you hover OVER them.

Note #2: And of course now that I have FIXED it ... it becomes apparent that the "Game Design" Link is badly nested probably due to some database corruption at some point in time. Anyhow I will double check to see if the damage can be repaired by creating a NEW link some place and removing the OLD URL which seems to be "corrupted".

Note #3: A lot of the URLs/LINKs in the "Game Design" thread were broken. So I just removed it ... Because we don't need things that are HALF-WORKING and HALF-NOT! There was no point to the thread because all the information (most) was INCOMPLETE. So it's gone. No more garbage links...

Note #4: I also noticed that the "Getting Started..." Primary Tab leads to the "broken" "Game Design" tab... Definitely some corruption or bad/errored links... Because again, most of those LINKs lead to NOWHERE. I'll see how I can fix that up ...

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