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Designer with an 'almost' ready product

18 replies [Last post]
Joined: 06/20/2013

Hi community! I am the creator of Overtake: Race Manager.

It's a euro-style resource management game set in an fictional world race league. Gameplay is progressive engine building and scales well early and late game and encompasses 2-5 players.

Like most of you are aware, designing a project takes thousands of hours. It was a big undertaking since I developed the mechanics, art, balance, and interface myself. I even wrote and illustrated an entire rulebook:

Over the past year, the game is largely success with blind playtests. Now I struggle to find reviewers or distributors who are willing to have a look. Also site traffic is almost non-existent.

Do you have suggestions of reviewers I can poke? I need to get the word out, but advertising at major conventions is like searching for a needle in a barn full of hay. Anyone have pointers for networking in large conventions (Essen, etc)? Do I contact advertiser companies like launchboom?


Jay Leone

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I think there are a couple of steps that I can explain...

Firstly now that you have a GAME and not a "Game Idea" and that you've fleshed it out seriously with blind playtesting and I am assuming playtesting with various play groups ... You have to make some "tough" decisions.

#1> Will you be planning to self-publish?


#2> Are you looking to find a Publisher?

Now that you've done all the work, this is a REAL SERIOUS question. Why? Because #1 implies that you will be handling all the finances and manufacturing of your game in China. Sure there are resources and you can reach out to various companies with a ask for an RFQ (Request For Quote) and figure out with not too much variability the format of the components of your game. And this includes all of the nomenclature of the printing world and knowing that in the US it's mostly "Inches" while China it's "Centimeters" or "Millimeters".

There is a lot to research including paper types lbs or pts, colors 4/0 or 4/4, cardstock gsm, varnishes versus poker oil, component sizes and bleeds, wooden components, plastic components, etc.

All that is an adventure in itself. And look, I'll be the first one to tell you that I am going the Self-Publish route for "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" - The Reboot which is a revival of a 15 year old game in a new format with streamlined rules.

BUT... before you make a decision...

Finding a Publisher means they would handle all the details and you would probably get 4% of the MSRP so if your game is $60 USD you would get $2.40 USD per game sold. However the upside is you don't have to invest any more of your money and the Publisher will handle manufacturing, freight, taxes and levies (basically anything related to financials regarding production) and house the pallets of games "somewhere" in the USA.

That's another concern in the Self-Publish route: do you have sufficient space to house pallets of your game???

Getting back to Publishers ... They also take the role and responsibility of pitching and selling your game to distributors around the world that they deal with. With about 42% of the Board Game Market being in North America ... This means the USA and Canada (I doubt you make many sales in Mexico...!)


So there is a few reasons to TRY to find a Publisher. But heck I looked into it and the closest I got was one publisher who was intrigued by my game but it did NOT fit into their catalog. Everyone else either said NO or there was no response after a few follow-ups.

Finding a Publisher is hard to do nowadays many of them are booked 3-Years in advance with a Queue of games... (Imagine that 3-Years...!)

And the major problem that I see with the complexity of your game is MAKING it is going to be expensive... In the $20k USD for 1,000 units price point. There are a lot of component and you have to factor in the size of the BOX and so I'm saying $20k USD landed in the USA (that's my gut!)


Now I said, I am planning to Self-Publish myself. But there is an upside to my approach is that my game costs me $1.75 USD to make maybe $3.00 USD landed. There's a bit difference between risking under $3,000 USD than risking $20,000+ USD... See my point??? Can you afford it? Maybe. But do you want to risk it??? Is another question.


Therefore you have a DECISION to ponder. What "financially" makes sense to you? Do you have the stomach to learn printing lingo and terms to invest your hard earned OWN money into production and can you warehouse it someplace where the price is reasonably inexpensive (like a garage or basement)???


Reaching out to reviewers is another matter. But that I can help you with. Since you offered our community some BGG links, here are some you can look into with your Game:

That should give you a good idea of people you can approach. Start with finding the RIGHT people for your game and maybe see if you can find Global contacts which can spread word about your good game through-out the Internet.


I think what you need to think about is having a Kickstarter if you want to go the Self-Publish route. This will advance you the FUNDS for making an initial Print Run of maybe a 1,000+ games and you can maybe pocket some money for a 2nd Print Run after the KS fulfillment is done.

But it is highly conditional on how WELL your game does with the KS crowd. I took a quick look at the rulebook and while I did not read any specific rules, I get your game is for a more SERIOUS Gamer crowd (as compared to mine which is for kids 9+ in age). So your 20-Something game could do WELL on KS... Provided you have the talent to make more presentation material, reviewer videos, unboxing videos, KS preview videos, how to play video, etc. And maybe a KS video to present your game (something flashy!)


Then after a successful KS ... You'll have some extra monies to see if you can find anyone who is willing to SELL your game. Successful KS-ing always helps because it shifts the PROVING your game is good vs. 1,000+ Backers who are happily playing your game. Then that is a talk for another day.


That's the MARKETING you should look into ... And once you get some reviews, you can join a bunch of Facebook Groups that are for sharing future KS campaigns, new games in the market, and all kinds of TableTop Gaming Groups.

Share video reviews of your game on FB and get word out that you are planning a KS campaign. With the KS Campaign there is a bit of a learning curve and you'll need to spread word about your game BEFORE Launch.

You can advertise your KS if it is ready to potential players (Upcoming Projects) maybe give yourself like 30-Days advance to build up a crowd through TableTop Gaming FB Groups and KS dedicated Groups on FB...


I wouldn't ATM invest in large conventions because it can be very costly and not very productive. This is why you see SO MANY KS campaigns each and every day: people know it's the best way to TRY and see what sticks!

You'd be wise if you have the financials to have an Advertising Company make you a KS Video for your campaign ... But steer away from any advertising companies that promise views and such.


On a more personal side: get a KS Banner for your campaign on! It costs $20 USD/month (30 days)... If you are looking for inexpensive marketing, well we've got that covered. You can maybe even advertise for 2 or 3 Slots (impressions) and it will cost you $40 to $60 USD for 30 days.

We get over 25,000+ unique visitors per month (and no they are not bots... bots fall into another category and yes we do get those too!) This has almost doubled between 2022 and 2023... We may be a small community but people enjoy reading what our community is up to and doing...


So I've given you somethings to consider and know what your options are and how you can move forwards. If you have more questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask away, it'll be my pleasure to help in any way I can.

And maybe there are other members who may join the conversation and offer their insights and experience towards what may or may not work...

Thank you for visiting again...

And wishing you the best of success!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
One clarification...

I said my gut was telling me that YOUR game would cost YOU $20k USD landed in the USA. That's probably accurate.

BUT... In advance of a successful KS... China is all about economies of scale. The more you buy, the better the margin. $20k USD landed for 1,000+ units is really not a great deal.

Why? Because you're on the bottom of the size and there is really not much economies of scale because it's a relatively small order.

A Publisher will figure out how much to make and will probably get a better deal out of the market in China in terms of more volume on pricing.

Typically the rule is RETAIL = 5x COG (Cost Of Goods) ... And if I say your game can sell for $60 USD that means $12 USD COG. But we've figured out (by gut) that it'll be closer to $20 USD COG landed. 5x $20 USD = $100 USD for retailing it YOURSELF. And remember if you aren't selling it online (which has all kinds of caveats too...) That's too high of a price point. So there is a choke point in how you can successfully MAKE & MARKET your OWN game yourself.

Margins in the USA are: 50% RETAIL = Wholesale. 40% RETAIL = List and 20% (5x) is COG or manufacturing. Given these figures a $60 USD game would be:

Wholesale = $30 USD, List = $24 USD, COG = $12 USD. You make $12 USD profit. But again that's with economies of scale ... That I don't believe you will have with regards to your particular game.

So if your game costs you $20 USD, you'll only squeak out a profit of $4 USD per copy...

These are all examples WHY(?) it is so hard to make ANY money with TableTop (Board or Card) games ... The numbers for most, don't add up.


Note #1: And BTW this is all POST-KS with regards to the margins... The KS should get you the financial backing ... But future orders will be harder and will require more negotiations (or volume) to address any sales you can expect in the market AFTER a successful KS...

That's why some mid-sized Publishers ONLY do KS of their games and sell EVERYTHING they've ever made on the website (Shopify). Think "Thunderworks Games" is an example of a catalog of 10 or so games by different designers and when they SELL, they try to upsell you on any and ALL their other games at discounted RETAIL price points.

It's literally amazing what some mid-size publishers have as a catalog...

Note #2: Granted with MY OWN game, I have the same issues but the factor is less. I probably only make like $3 to $4 USD per sale... But it's only costing me $3 USD to make so the margins are a bit better and I can probably do better with economies of scale too! And it is LESS RISK too.

This is kinda why I am shying away from making more copies of "TradeWorlds". Too expensive and if I can make similar margins with LOWER RISK... I'd personally would rather do that instead.

But everyone is different and your situation is different than mine... So you need to figure out what works best for you!


larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
There is probably people on BGG...

There is probably people on BGG willing to review your game. But I don't know what is the best timing. Is it better to review prototypes before release, or after release?

Finding publishers is the easiest publishing method, but you might not get published in the end.

Else you could kickstart, but like QuestCCG said, you will have to handle all the logistic yourself.


A random idea that came to my mind: Is a digital implementation more expansive to produce than a physical implementation? Sure you will need art and other assets you would pay for in the paper board game.

Joined: 06/20/2013

Excellent, thorough response! Thanks for looking at my design and estimating/comparing to your product.

I'm on the fence about crowdfunding, since my goal was to advertise first then launch a crowdfund if enough want it.

The biggest drawback of a publisher is the lack of control after they absorb it (they can change the art/mechanics/etc). But my ultimate goal is to get the word out about this thematic experience.

Joined: 06/20/2013

I went through most of the reviewers list on BGG - many are no longer reviewing as their links are broken. It would be great to have 5 unbiased reviews and go from there.

If you have suggestions of specific, responsive reviewers, let me know! Thank you. =)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Well you should be made aware of this...

Generally speaking because your game is not available for SALE TODAY... It's not possible to get a REVIEW. Well there are the reviewers that do prototypes ... But that's not a whole bunch.

What CAN HELP MARKET the game is a PREVIEW of the game. This is typically done with the intent to crowdfund. If you do that... One Credible PREVIEW (but realize it will cost you) is: Undead Viking (Lance Myxter). You can reach him HERE:

Lance tries to give a game an "unbiased" but "fair" PREVIEW. What I mean is that he mentions what he likes, what other people would enjoy and generally what is different or unique about the game.

I believe "Bowers Corner" is another GOOD Video Reviewer. You can check out his FB page HERE:

In Canada there is where Giancarlo and Luca do a PREVIEW for a fee (and they make a video too). You can check out their FB page HERE:

(You can tell then QuestCCG sent you... And this way they'll know you are looking for a reputable PREVIEW...) This can be a HOW-TO-PLAY video. They are pros at figuring out how to PLAY games and then how to present those same games to their viewers/audience of gamers.

There is also Edo Baraf's Reviews. Again paid but he'll do a PREVIEW too... Or maybe a component overview or an unboxing video, etc. He can be found HERE:

Again these are all VIDEO oriented productions that are USEFUL to MARKET a game to a KS Crowd for the purpose of getting people interested in your game.


That's FOUR (4) REPUTABLE sources ... But I believe each one of them CHARGES ($$$) for their services in and around the $200+ USD. Maybe more since I have not dealt with these reviewers in a while. I did for Tradewars (Lance and and other projects... I don't know about Bower's and Edo ... Except that they are VERY POPULAR and usually have a crowd of gamers who watch their PREVIEWS and VIDEOS...


My gut is to contact Lance and tell him you want a KS Preview which highlights the game. contact them for a How-To-Play Video. For Edo I would suggest maybe an Unboxing Video or a Component List Video. And for Bower's maybe something along the lines of a PREVIEW from him...

All these videos will COST you money. But if you want to do it RIGHT... The more credible videos you HAVE the most likely people will take you more seriously...


I think I've done good by addressing your plans (KS or Not) and Reviewers (which is in your case Previews). Like I said, you don't have a SELLING PRODUCT... REVIEWS are reserved for games that are on the market. PREVIEWS are for KS and co. Where someone looks into the game, tries it out, tells people what they think or what may appeal, etc.

There are others but they are affiliated with other Board Game Design Services (like "The Game Crafter") so I have not included any of those Reviewers because most of them tend to deal with TGC products.

Hope that helps you just a BIT...


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Everyone is looking for the same thing...

jleone wrote:
Excellent, thorough response! Thanks for looking at my design and estimating/comparing to your product.

No worries... I try to justify my thoughts and what I write with REALITY. And comparing games ... Yours might actually be more complex than TradeWorlds but we had over 500+ Cards in the game as it is a Deck Builder. But still you have a lot going on with a bunch of different components. My gut tells me it will no doubt cost the same amount or near it.

jleone wrote:
I'm on the fence about crowdfunding, since my goal was to advertise first then launch a crowdfund if enough want it.

The idea is to make the KS early and give yourself time to advertise and generate a CROWD. But Kickstarter allows you to publish an "Up and Coming" Page with a short blurb and an image... You can easily interest people by having such a page... But it requires that your KS be configured and confirmed by the KS Staff. What this means is that your KS must be READY to run and if you post it 30-Days ... You have 30-Days to market it and gain people interested... It will TELL YOU how many people have signed on to be notified of the LAUNCH.

jleone wrote:
The biggest drawback of a publisher is the lack of control after they absorb it (they can change the art/mechanics/etc).

Well sometimes you can find a smaller publisher which is more reliant on having a NEAR FINISHED product and only capable of making minor edits like the Box Cover or the Rulebook, etc. Those kind of small publishers would be the best for your game and some might even want to KS for you... That's also an avenue.

But it's hard to find a needle in a haystack when everyone is searching for the same thing. You need to figure out if your obsession is with preserving the game as is and make no dent into the future sales of the game or allowing a publisher to make changes as they see fit and you just need to await the finished product by their standards.

Look I'm not going to tell you that the entire game will be different ... That's a falsehood of the Game Industry. Like I said, they'll probably rename the game, make a new box cover and redo the rulebook. That's what I've seen with people who FOUND a publisher and I know of a couple of them.

They can't afford to CHANGE the "mechanics" because that would BREAK the game. It took you "thousands" of hours to make it as it is... Trust me, a Publisher will not MODIFY it knowing that their changes will BREAK the game and make it useless (not sellable).

But Name, Box and Rulebook... Are definitely areas that they would tweak and change. If you can live with that... Well then I suggest you FIND that Publisher and start getting the game into the player's hands ASAP.

jleone wrote:
But my ultimate goal is to get the word out about this thematic experience.

OK... But a Publisher would do that for you and they will MAKE & SELL the game for you. Again trust me when I say that a Publisher will NOT CHANGE the GAME. If they do... They are NOT fools and risk breaking everything that you made. Again it won't happen (mechanics will stay the same)... Art ... Unless your art is not up to their level ... They could make SOME changes to card templates, etc. I have found this better even with my PAST Publisher. Mike re-did all the cards and that was over 500+ cards. But they looked much more commercially produced than anything that I had done (which was nice but simpler).

I've already given you some people you can contact to get some VIDEOS about your game to be made. Those videos can be used on your KS Campaign and you can even use some of them on Facebook Board Game Groups... Like maybe a component listing video or Unboxing video to show what comes with the game.

And then you have the preview videos which present the "good stuff" of the game...

All that will help BOTH MARKET (on FB) and SELL (on KS) the game and it's good virtues. Personally I think YOUR game will do WELL on KS. It appeals to an older crowd (20+ Years) and the level of complexity yields well to the strategy required to play your game.

But you are right about ONE THING: you need to get word out BEFORE the KS LAUNCH... The "Up Coming" Project page is important and I would start marketing ONCE that page is up and ready. That would have the greatest impact on the potential of your game.

Keeping it all real. I don't have all the answers... BUT I've gone through the process with "TradeWorlds". I've done it once (with a Publisher) and know their input and efforts and I applaud them for their well done execution. The final product is much more that I could have produced and achieved.

Don't be so worried about "they're going to change everything"... Like I explained NO ... That will not happen. What could happen I've also explained and that I have experience BOTH personal and through other designers that I've known in the past. I have over 12+ Years of experience designing games. And I've discussed matters with a lot of designers too. Giving them my opinion and trying to squash RUMORS. I speak simply from FACT.

Look at it this way: do you know why Publishers exist???

They exist because they DON'T have the TIME and EFFORT to DESIGN GAMES. They'd rather have a finished or NEAR finished product where they can make some tweaks and START SELLING. They're all about finances and making money. They get involved with products that should sell.

They may put their own personal TOUCH on the game (as I explained above too!) and that's something you need to figure out if you are so enamored with your game that you don't want the name to change or the box to be different or even your rules re-written NOT re-designed.

Again they don't have time to BREAK and FIX a game. Like I said, maybe some art could change but again the Publishers want to LIMIT their changes to things which will improve the design NOT BREAK IT. And so most changes are usually cosmetic like I've explained.

Don't be a control freak if you want to get your game out there.

But if you want it to stay AS-IT-IS... KS is your best approach. And remember some smaller Publishers will KS for you... That's how some operate especially the smaller ones.

Again don't be worried about "changes". Trust me Publishers are smart people. They have to be to be in business. Their goal is to MAKE & SELL... NOT RE-DESIGN.

Hoping this make some sense to you!

Cheers mate!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
To be specific and explain a little bit more...

If you choose a Publisher... MOST (not all) will CHANGE the Name and Game Logo. This will impact the Box Cover & Back and maybe some Cardbacks (with the older name) and definitely require EDITING of the Rulebook.

When it comes to near-finished products and not paper prototypes (I've never ever found a Publisher who accepts "un-designed" games) usually most of what is needed is THERE. So maybe a Graphic Designer on-staff might make more professional looking Card Templates.

Again the plain REALITY is that Publishers DON'T want to re-design games. Unless you are submitting a "design concept" in the form of a paper prototype. Again I personally have never found anyone who submits their idea and gets a contract to develop and make the game.

Clearly by changing the NAME that has an IMMEDIATE IMPACT on several of your game's components. That's what a publisher will do. If they decide to change the name (and in your case I think most would)... Then YOU can figure out WHAT needs to be CHANGED. That's what a Publisher WILL DO!

I've only dealt with three (3) Publishers in my 12-Years ... One of which I signed with. I've pitched to numerous Publishers "Crystal Heroes" (I think I sent out to about 12 Publishes) and have gotten no where with that product. So since Publishers are so busy with other games... I focus on what I can HANDLE!

There are definitely UP-SIDES to having a Publisher (like more professional looking product and having someone you can work with), the DOWN-SIDE is that they are in control with MAKING & SELLING your game. Now it's in their best SELF-INTEREST to make and sell it so that in the end they make money. This may not be your goal ... But Publishers are companies trying to make sales given their catalog of games. And they try to find Evergreen games which will last lifetime on the shelves of Board Game Stores all around.

So they've got you ON MARKETING. They CAN promote your game. And that's part of what they will DO. You doing it yourself is very limiting... Like I said make some VIDEOS, get a variety of videos ... And start posting on Facebook Board Game Groups once they Kickstarter page is read with the "Up coming" project page for your game.

You can SYNCHRONIZE the two events: align the PRE-Project Page with some FB posts with some videos.

One thing I forgot to mention and it is IMPORTANT so I will do so now:

questccg wrote:
You've already gone a bit FAR down the Self-Publishing road by using BGG and marketing your game on their website. Usually Publishers want a game that is NOT on the market. This means little to NO TRACES of the game. Sure you can have a Sell Sheet and you can discuss with e-mails and your rulebook... But having a BGG page is the WRONG direction.

You see the Publisher want GAMES that THEY will bring to market. Not a game that was perhaps marketed in BGG with a name and then they have to change the name and have someone work towards getting the hotness level on BGG for the product given their crowd of supporters and backers.

Tradewars was launched on BGG when MY Publisher decided it was READY. Given a new NAME, LOGO, BOX, and RULEBOOKS. Even Card samples ... The publisher took care of posting all that information ONCE THEY have completed the game for commercialization.

We did have Tradewars for sale on "The Game Crafter" (TGC) and as part of the agreement with my Publisher, I was to NOT SELL via TGC in order for the contract to be valid. And I had no problem with that.

So you're a bit AHEAD and you might want to reconsider your direction... IDK.

This is for you to figure out. BGG entries are usually reserved for Published games UNLESS you are SELF-PUBLISHING. I don't know by you adding the entry if this might disqualify you for getting signed by a Publisher. Because of this, I believe for SURE they will change the name of the game.

Again usually the PUBLISHER takes care of MARKETING and that includes BGG.

Fair warning about that...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Here's what I mean

Take a look at the Publisher's Version (Left) and my own Version (Right):

You can see how Mike (RIP) did an impressive job to TRANSFORM what I had and make it better on a presentation level.

Again don't worry about them ruining YOUR game. Think that together they will make a game which is BETTER than you can may on your own.


Note #1: The final version of the mission cards uses "Credits" and not "quickSilver" (qS). Another minor change we made because it made more sense. So yeah there are things that changed between my version and the final version in the game!

Note #2: How does this related to YOUR game... Well looking in the Rulebook your "Breaking News" cards could be improved, the "Series Highlights" cards could be better (they seem similar to the Breaking News cards), the Automa cards (look a bit weird with the clovers)... In general I think the Iconography can be unified and improved upon...

I'm not trying to be a JERK or anything (I know you've put in a lot of effort and work). I'm just saying these are some of the things that stick out a bit.

It's an excellent product ... But there is always someone better with better skills than your own (and I'm not saying they are bad...) I'm just explaining they probably can be IMPROVED upon.

Don't be insulted or anything. I'm just explaining areas in which the product on other components looks better than these few (the ones I mentioned).

And I'm pretty sure they would change the NAME because you already have a BGG entry saying "Self-Published". You can't be "Self-Published" and be looking for a Publisher... It's ONE or the OTHER. I've already mentioned this and it depends on how YOU want to move forwards with this game.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
One last comment to help you out a bit...

What you CAN do is this:

1. First google Board Game Publishers and try to find as many or specific ones you would like to target and approach.

2. If after ALL your attempts fail (and you've done an honest job - I contacted around 15 Publisher) well then your only alternative is to "Self-Publish".

3. It's at this point that you need to figure out things like I explained in my earlier comments: manufacturing, investing in inventory and warehouse that inventory somewhere in the USA.

4. And of course trying to have a big enough CROWD to have a crowdfunding campaign to get the monies required for production and (maybe) future productions.

5. Remember you need to figure out the logistics and costs associated with importing product from China into the USA.


This is what I would suggest as a method of proceeding forwards. If this is not to your liking that is fine, you can do as you want. I'm just trying to help "guide" you a bit ... Since you seem a bit hesitant and wondering what you can (or should) do.

Here's a list which I went through ... It's a starting point none-the-less:


That list has Publishers than publish CERTAIN types of games. You need to check with EVERYONE of them to figure out if your game COULD be a match.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I visited the store ran by the staff over at Board To Death TV

I spoke with the owners of the FLGS (Friendly-Local-Game-Store). The store owner is really interested in Racing Car games. He's published several games in that category which include:

  • "Neon Knights" in 2018
  • "Street Kings" in 2015
  • "CarmaRace" in 2012

He was immediately stoked about the "idea" and it was in his wheelhouse of known games and design experience.

His first question was: "What kind of Race game is it? Formula1, IndyCar, street racing, etc." And I was unsure what to tell him. So I told him he can VISIT the BGG page for the game. He saw the page and looked and some of the images and he told me: "The Graphic Design is average and would need an overhaul from logos to icons being more standard."

He said AS-IS ... He would NOT "Preview" this game ... Because (I know you worked a lot at it... But this is someone who knows about Car Racing Games) the Graphic Design has a lot to be desired.

So what you are saying about a "Publisher" wanting to make "changes" to the GAME well I strongly doubt that unless there are strange rules. But from a Graphic Design perspective there is some work that needs to be done to UNIFY the design.

Like I said, when I told him about the "Racing Game" he was very excited but when he took a look at the BGG page, he says there is STILL work to be done. And yeah we figure some art/images are AI Generated and he says that you can see that. So he's being honest with his appraisal. From a Graphic Design perspective there are a lot of details to "fix" or "improve" upon.

We didn't go into the Rules ... Just took a look at the rulebook itself and some of his remarks is that the "road area" doesn't look like "roads"... Again minor details that he says make a difference when comparing a product which is MARKET-READY and one which still needs some work.

Again, I know you've spent countless hours working on this game... But like in the example I SHARED above with the two (2) "Space Pirates!" cards... You can visibly see the difference between average and improved look. A professional Graphic Designer will do this for you.

Anyhow ... I don't want to disappoint you and I know we are being "critical" but this is the plain fact of the matter. I'm sorry if both he and I feel the same way. I know what it is like working on something "on your own" with the skills and abilities that we each have. Some of us are stronger Game Designers others are better Graphic Designers (presentation).

I don't want you to be mad or anything like that. But the store owner said that Board To Death.TV would not "Preview" this game as-is. It would be incomplete and they would not want to suggest that they are "recommending" this game which they feel is still incomplete.

Again sorry to be so brutally honest... It is what it is... Take it with a Grain of Salt and figure out what you feel like doing with this Game.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I also sent you a Private Message (PM) for your consideration

The Private Message (PM) has some details specifically for YOU not everyone. I'm not making money "connecting" people but I want you to understand you MAY have a real nice opportunity here. If you ignore the PM and these comments... That is on you. But realize that when there is genuine interest ... It's very rare. So I hope you take this opportunity to at least REACH OUT.


Joined: 06/20/2013
4 Sources!

4 Reputable sources is amazing. Preview is what I'm looking for - but as you mentioned, it's mostly revolving around Kickstarter previews. I want to make sure this 'prototype' is interesting enough for the community to consider a valid game.

I think after some previewing with these pre/reviewers, I'll have a good feel of where this game stands.

Joined: 06/20/2013
Publishers - not redesigners

Totally makes sense. It's extremely valuable to have your experience. To remake 500 cards sounds like quite a feat! I'm glad it's feasible though, since the few who glanced at it questioned the AI art (as a prototype) - I personally would like to attribute an artist, but as it's my first project ever, it's quite an undertaking. Working with a publisher should resolve this easily.

You're right it's taken thousands of hours of production, but I'm not attached to any particular aspect of the game.

I recognize it does need a 'final production polish'.

Joined: 06/20/2013
Graphic design

Haha - no insults taken! I've received much harsher criticism and taken it with a smile!

I'm not a graphic designer by trade so I had to make all the icons. I agree there can be vast graphic improvements - even subtle things like the comparison between your cards makes a difference.

It's true, there's always something that can be improved.

Joined: 06/20/2013
Amazing resource!

I went through some BGG lists but this one is amazing! It should be pinned =)

questccg wrote:
What you CAN do is this:

Here's a list which I went through ... It's a starting point none-the-less:


That list has Publishers than publish CERTAIN types of games. You need to check with EVERYONE of them to figure out if your game COULD be a match.


Joined: 06/20/2013
Not ready for Preview? Good to know!

questccg wrote:

Again sorry to be so brutally honest... It is what it is... Take it with a Grain of Salt and figure out what you feel like doing with this Game.


It's realistic and acceptable. Good to know that 'preview' should be a polished looking product. I'm encouraged that there's more to do! Thanks for giving me lots of options and ideas to progress. =)

It's supposed to be a Euro/engine builder Hyper-car game, modeled after F1. Zed (founder Zman games) said it looks interesting since it fits a hole in the board game industry.

I'm definitely not saying I'm skilled at either game design or graphic design! I do want a polished product that is interesting and distinguishable from may other rushed products from local designers. The FLGS/designer showcase I'm going to this weekend features produced games that look half as polished as mine. If I can take this to the next level (publisher/graphic designer/editor/team/etc), it has potential to be noteworthy.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
No worries...

jleone wrote:
Good to know that 'preview' should be a polished looking product. I'm encouraged that there's more to do! Thanks for giving me lots of options and ideas to progress. =)

No worries... Some people are "sensitive" and can't even accept constructive criticism. I'm not at all saying your game is BAD... What I am saying is that it is VERY NOVEL and you've done a great deal to make it what it is today.

jleone wrote:
It's supposed to be a Euro/engine builder Hyper-car game, modeled after F1. Zed (founder Zman games) said it looks interesting since it fits a hole in the board game industry.

Yes it's different than most car games out there like "Formule 1" and the likes of that. I already pitched you to some people ... Figure out who you want to work with. And BTW I am working on an in-store tournament with them. We'll have to wait and see how that goes. I still have to do some proofing.

jleone wrote:
I'm definitely not saying I'm skilled at either game design or graphic design! I do want a polished product that is interesting and distinguishable from may other rushed products from local designers.

Well you'll figure out what you want to do. I'm just offering you suggestions and what other people in the business say. Like with me and Tradewars: I did MY PART. I needed someone else to make it POP and look polished. And that's what OLG did for me. Same could be said for your product.

Again I'm not at all telling you what you should do. I'm just offering exciting options. You seemed a bit disappointed that the "finished" product was not getting as much attention as you had hoped for... I'm just saying well that could be worked on.

Oh yeah... ONE THING definitely even if you go on your own... YOU NEED A LOGO. I know you have a LONG NAME... But you need some kind of logo to distinguish your product. That's a MUST.

Cheers and let me know how things work out for you!

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