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Introducing, Jacob! (that's me by the way...)

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Joined: 03/04/2024

Hello everyone!

My name is Jacob! I am a Christian and aspiring game designer looking to self-publish my first game through

I have enjoyed board games for most of my life, but got into the hobby gaming side of things when I received a copy of Charterstone as a gift.

Some years later, I got into miniature gaming. It happened when I wished to purchase a game of "Star Wars Rebellion". Making a short story shorter, I ended up purchasing a copy of "Star Wars Legion".

After spending a moderate amount of time, money, (these kits are expensive!), and paint, I built out a model of the beach planet Scarrif to play my battles on.

Eventually, I got into game design. My main project that I have worked on is a hidden movement game. I am still working out some kinks however. Ideally, if the game survives the play-test phase, it will make it to market.

But anyway, enough about me. I will see you guys around the forum!


"Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." - Romans 8:30

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