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"Alien Swarm" Deck

The "Alien Swarm" deck stats:
Deck Size: 60 Cards
Draw Mechanism: Draws 2 cards at beginning of turn
Maximum Hand Size: 7 cards
Force Discard if hand exceeds limit?: Yes
Lose Condition: Be decked
Starting life total: N/A
Can be decked?: Yes

Intended style of play:
Accumulate "Blood" whenever your creatures deal damage (1 blood point per point of dmg dealt) or a creature you control dies. Use that blood to play creatures from your hand. Overwhelm your opponent. Each creature has a Blood cost, Blood points granted when they die, a damage number that they automatically deal if you attack with them, an amount of hit points, and possibly a special ability. Your creatures may be augmented by playing "Evolutions" on them as well which get shuffled back into the deck if the creature they are played on is killed. "Action" cards may be played as well, resulting in one time use abilities or bonuses that last until the end of your turn.

Card List:
6 "Action" cards
3x Blood Lust (All damage dealt by your creatures this turn is increased by 3.)
3x Call of the Swarm (You may play creatures in your discard as if they were in your hand until the end of your turn)

9 "Evolution" cards
3x Scything Talons (Grants +2 dmg but -1 HP)
3x Toughened Hide (Grants +5 HP but -1 dmg)
3x Acidic Blood (Creature may deal its damage to any other target when killed but grants no blood points)

45 "Creature" cards
15x Blood Drone (cost: 0 Blood, 2 hp, 1 dmg, worth 2 blood when it dies)
10x Armored Drone (cost: 1 Blood, 2 hp, 1 dmg, all dmg dealt to it is reduced by 1, worth 1 blood when it dies)
5x Spiked Warrior (cost: 3 Blood, 3 hp, deals 3 dmg, worth 2 blood when it dies)
5x Terror Wing (cost: 3 Blood, 3 hp, deals 2 dmg, immune to grenades, worth 2 blood when it dies)
3x Flesh Beast (cost: 5 Blood, 4 hp, 3 dmg, each turn it deals dmg it gets a counter, gets +1 hp and deals +1 dmg for each counter present, worth 3 blood when it dies)
3x Carcass Fiend (cost: 5 Blood, 3 hp, 2 dmg, When you play Carcass Fiend you may return up to 2 creature cards from your discard pile to your hand and reveal those cards, worth 3 Blood when it dies)
3x Blood Gorger (cost: "X" Blood, "X" hp, "X" dmg, "X" is equal to whatever amount of Blood spent to play Blood Gorger, worth "X" blood when it dies)
1x Over Queen (cost: 10 Blood, 15 hp, 1 dmg, You may play 1 creature per turn from your discard pile at no blood cost, worth 5 Blood when it dies)

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut