That's the question!
In all of my (war)games, I have 2 types of walls.
1. They give cover against projectiles.
2. They only block movement.
Recently, I am doing more and more with a meat and support balancing math trick. But...this was in order to remove the cover mechanic. In these games. Walls only block movement.
The cover mechanic even allowed big tanks to take cover behind a group of fluffy little bunnies. As long as the bunny wall was bigger than the big tank.
I am looking at the cover mechanics again. Because things like a bunker should be a thing.
IF...I were to allow both mechanics to be a thing. Then there are several "facts":
There is a clear indication of those who fall in the cover mechanic department. And those who are not in that department. Cover and No-Cover.
Cover department means that these units can give and take cover with others in the same department.
No-Cover department means that these units NEVER can give and take cover with others. In theory, not even with the Cover department.
All-round units always earned their Cover. This is due to the cost calculation.
Cost calculation for the Cover is cumulative. Cost calculation for the No-Cover is 5/6th rooted. If a meat or support design is cumulative, it earns the right to be in the Cover department.
The root of X*X is X. Thus, those that would get the same costs with both calculations, are all-round units.
Point 5 would be...?
If a design has both the cumulative and the rooted calculation. In such way that for the cumulative the stats are lower. Then this unit can be in the Cover department. And has its stats lowered if it doesn't give and take cover.
While I could think of some weapons to be weaker.
I don't know how to do this with the bodies.
The most logical thing would be to simply have these units take multiple hits at once, when they give cover.
Another ponder I have atm is that if they units that take cover, loose the cover. Will they still take more damage as well? I think this is fair.
What are your views on this?