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Antaire: Dungeons - Playtest Swancon 2012

I managed to get the game played a couple of times at Swancon 2012. One three player game and one five player. I was fortunate enough to have a friend play in each game, thus allow me to stand aside and assist with any questions on game play and rules. It is a very interesting experience watching people play your game, and (at least) appear to be enjoying themselves.

To my complete surprise there was only two areas of concern. the first was a spell where there needed to be rule clarification, just to make sense, and the end game scenario. To my play testers credit they were honest and provided viable options on how to adjust the rules appropriately.

The end game was just the person to successfully leave the dungeon with the most gold, however it did lend to drag the game out. We will be playtesting the person to successfully leave the dungeon with the most gold, however the exit tile will only allow half the number of active players to leave the dungeon. So three players, at most two players can exit, five three players. This should essentially create a timer condition for exit, something that has been noted before, but never a viable solution (in my mind) provided.

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut