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There are 3 different dice used in Peril in the Promised Land: the Movement die, the Lamanite Action die, and the Lamanite Defense die. On a player's turn, he first rolls the Movement die and the Lamanite Action die. The result of the Lamanite Action die is then completed. Then the player decides which Nephite action he will take.

Movement Die (4-sided)
The result of this die tells a player how many spaces he may move if he chooses to move on that turn.

Lamanite Action Die (6-sided)
Six different results apply here:
1: Lamanites Attack
The top Lamanite Attack card is drawn.

2: Lamanites Defend
If the Lamanites are under attack at a city, then the Lamanite Defense die is rolled. If the Lamanites are not under attack, then a Lamanite owned city is randomly selected (using the City cards) and that city receives 1 fortification.

3: King-men Advance
The King-men move one space closer to the Judgment-Seat (following the 10 step path outlined inside the city of Zarahemla).

4: Advancing Lamanite Armies Advance
Each Advancing Lamanite Army pawn on the board moves one space closer to Zarahemla. Once an Advancing Lamanite Army reaches Zarahemla, the King-men move 2 spaces closer to the Judgment-Seat and that Advancing Lamanite Army pawn is placed back in a randomly selected Lamanite owned city.

5: Player Loses 1000
The player loses 1000 men from his army.

6: Players Choice
This result of the die roll allows the player to make a choice from the 5 possible Lamanite actions.

Lamanite Defense Die (6-sided)
This die contains two 1s, three 2s, and one 3 on it's six sides. When the Lamanites are under attack at a city and the Lamanites Defend action comes up, then the player rolls this die to determine the amount of defense for the Lamanites (selecting the appropriate city: randomly if the player is not currently attacking the Lamanites or, if the player is attacking a Lamanite city then that city is the one that defends).

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut