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Bushido The Card Game Box Back

Bushido The Card Game Box Back

Hello all,

Looking for feed back on the back of the box for Bushido the card game. I like it but I know it can be better so I am looking of ideas and suggestions to make it so.


Nicholas Markgraf



markgrafn, I have two comments and I will reiterate the Font. I can't read a few of the words for example Virtue in blue took me quite some time, and I'm still not 100% that's the word. Also visiting Diamyo require to win. I can't be sure on the visiting diamyo because the font and Diamyo is an unfamiliar word? Are the players visiting Diamyo? What is Seppuku? What does the Title of the game Bushido mean? Does the title of the game Bushido have any function in the game or is it just a Title? A definition of Bushido for example: Bushido the ancient way of the samurai, could help build a story and Theme. I feel the same about the Seppuku card. Seppuku the ancient rule of patience!!! Art looks cool, and I like the sound of the game. I love Cards, and I love Dice. Thanks for sharing.

Very Respectfully

My first impression is that

My first impression is that the font you've chosen, while thematic, is very hard to read. I'm not sure how large a box this is going to be, but assuming it's a small-box game, the text is going to be completely illegible from any distance past right in front of your face.

My second thought was that the design is very static. I think it's because of the card pictures. Most game boxes I can think of (and that show up in a GIS) show the components either in play or in a more dynamic composition. Your neatly aligned grid seems very stolid in comparison.

Third (and please don't think I'm just trying to pile on, these are just my honest critiques), A Samurai, push-your-luck, set collection strategy game is quit a list of descriptors. Maybe pick two (A Samurai themed push-your-luck game) and mention the other aspects later in your description. Also, strategy game may be redundant/unnecessary.

Fourth (sorry, they keep coming as I write and look), I don't know if I've ever seen the box listed as one of the components unless the box was specifically used as part of the game. It's a small thing, but it caught me as odd when I noticed it.

By all means, pile it on! I

By all means, pile it on! I can't fix it if no one points it out!


I hope my points are useful. Is there any more information you're willing to share about this game? Rules, PnP, etc,?

You can find most the

You can find most the information on the Kickstarter preview page!

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image | by Dr. Radut